Execution and Execution Mode

Last modified 03 Jul 2024 15:32 +02:00

The execution of an activity is primarily driven by the executionMode setting.

Execution Mode

Before midPoint 4.7

Before 4.7, it is specified like this:

Listing 1: Specifying activity execution mode before midPoint 4.7
<task xmlns="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3">
    <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->

In midPoint 4.7 and After

In midPoint 4.7, the new execution item was created, with the execution mode being one of its properties.

Listing 2: Specifying activity execution mode in midPoint 4.7
<task xmlns="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3">
    <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->

Execution Mode Values

Table 1. Values of execution mode property
Mode Meaning Supported by


Full execution mode. Changes are computed and also executed.

All activities.


A preview (simulation) of changes: Changes are computed, but nothing is executed. Used for example to check the thresholds before the full (real) execution or to simulate the execution (since 4.7).

See note below.


Low-level simulation of shadow classification and correlation. Since 4.7. Experimental.

See note below.


Nothing is executed. Just metadata are handled. E.g. during reconciliation, only situations in shadows are set.

See note below.


Items are fetched from repository or resource, but no specific processing is executed. This is very similar to dryRun, but - technically speaking - items are discarded right after being fetched from the source. Provisioning pre-processing of shadows may or may not be done, depending on the implementation. This mode is used just to test the object retrieval process.

Multi-threading capable activities.


In this mode no items are really fetched. Only the size of individual buckets is measured (if supported by the item provider, e.g. the resource).

Multi-node capable activities.

  • The dryRun execution mode is supported only for the synchronization activities, i.e. import, live synchronization, and reconciliation.

  • The shadowManagementPreview is supported only for the synchronization activities.

  • The preview execution mode is supported for the activities described here.

Other Execution Definition Items

Since 4.7
This functionality is available since version 4.7.
Table 2. Other execution definition items
Item Description


Using predefined property, one can select either production or development configuration.
The former is the default one.

An example:

Listing 3: Selecting the development configuration to be used by the activity
<task xmlns="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3">
    <!-- ... -->
            <!-- ... -->
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