Troubleshooting Task Performance

Last modified 22 May 2024 09:31 +02:00

Tasks are typically operate on large bulks of objects, utilizing large part of midPoint features and interacting with external systems though resources. Therefore, any performance issue is hard to locate. The root cause might be in midPoint configuration, hardware limitation, slow network connection, low database performance or slow response from resources. The debugging of such problems is not straightforward. It often requires searching for anomalies and examine them in detail, until the root cause will become obvious.

Environmental Performance of Task in GUI

When the problematic task finishes or at least you are observing performance issues with it for some time, it’s good to check its environmental performance. There are two sections that can give you and indication where the problem might be:

  • Provisioning operations information can give you a hint if communication with resources doesn’t take longer then expected.

  • Mappings evaluation information can help you identify problems with mappings.

Tips for evaluation:

  • There are no typical performance numbers. All depends on your environment and configuration. As a rule of thumb, look for irregularities, use common sense and compare with performance when everything runs as expected.

  • If everything is slower than expected, look for system-wide problem. For example, if all mappings are performing poorly maybe you don’t have enough CPU or RAM. If all resources operations are taking long time, maybe the problem is in network. In both cases use the OS monitoring then you encounter the issue, to verify this suspicion.

  • Intimate knowledge your system and configuration can significantly help. Performance might be affected by other tasks running in parallel, you might have rate limiting firewall deployed and so on. It’s always good to compare your observation with the knowledge you have and try to find a week spot.

Internal Performance of Task in GUI

The internal performance of task contains even more details, but it might require internal knowledge of midPoint to interpret it properly, at least in some cases. Mostly you are looking for anomalies there, for example a particular operation that are taking too long. In general, we are recommending to use Evolveum’s support services in order to get expert help with this evaluation.

Typical steps when debugging together with Evolveum’s experts:

  1. Send the finalized task and describe the type of problems you are observing.

  2. If possible you can store the snapshots of a task during its execution. Ideally having five to ten evenly distributed snapshots during the execution of the task. It will be used to evaluate the performance over time.

    1. A task is typically slower from beginning when the cache is not initialized, connection are not open and so on.

    2. Then it should run in full speed, but if there are any problems, often they are visible later in run when the performance is going gradually down.

  3. If you have parallel tasks, send all related tasks objects, not just the main one.

  4. Later in debugging you might be asked to provide additional information or run additional tests to pinpoint the problem. One of the tools on midPoint side is Troubleshooting With Traces

Task Execution Reports

You can configure task execution report in order to monitor selected performance indicators of the task. This is typically useful in long term monitoring or in automated tests, but it can be used even for other debugging of you know, what you are looking for. Task execution reports are also very useful for debugging distribution to buckets for parallel tasks.

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