Task Manager Configuration

Last modified 18 Sep 2024 22:22 +02:00
Task management feature
This page describes configuration of Task management midPoint feature. Please see the feature page for more details.

Basic information

Task Manager is configured using the <taskManager> section of the midPoint configuration.
A simple example:


(Actually, this is the default configuration that will be applied if you would not create this section at all.)

An example of more complex, and clustered, configuration:


Most frequently used configuration items are:

Item Description Default value


Number of threads that will be available for running tasks on this node.



Whether this node is part of a cluster. If set to true, it implies the use of the JDBC job store.



Whether JDBC job store should be used. See the discussion below.

true if clustered, false otherwise


Whether JDBC job store should use the same connection provider (data source) as the main repository.

This is true for the new Native repository by default unless jdbcUrl is also specified (see lower). It is strongly recommended to leave the default as is. It is easier to match the size of the repository connection pools on the cluster nodes with the connection limit of the databese this way. The total number of the connections in all the pools should not go above the database limit. For details see related section in PostgreSQL Configuration.

Setting it to false creates dedicated connection pool for the scheduler which always uses 10 additional connections for every node.

Do not set this with the old Generic repository - the option is not supported for the old repository and in some cases causes problems because of transaction isolation levels.

true for new Native repository if jdbcUrl is not specified, false otherwise

For more information how to set up task manager for a cluster, please see this article.

JDBC scheduler job store

MidPoint uses Quartz Scheduler to schedule its tasks. Quartz can use either persistent (JDBC) or temporary (in-memory) store for managing information about tasks, or jobs in Quartz speak.

By default, in-memory job store is used. This is usually sufficient, because almost all scheduling information can be retrieved from midPoint repository. The only exception is information on planned task start times.

Therefore, if you use in-memory job store, the configuration will be a little bit simpler, but, after restart of midPoint, some tasks would perhaps execute one more or one less time than you would expect. For simple installations, this is not a problem. If you need precise task scheduling even during midPoint restarts, use JDBC job store. Also, as already said, for clustered deployments the JDBC job store is also required.

Configuration parameters related to JDBC job store:

Item Description Default value


JDBC driver to use for the connection.

the value from repository configuration


URL used to connect to the database.

the value from repository configuration

jdbcUser, jdbcPassword

Credentials used to connect to the database.

the value from repository configuration


Alternative way of obtaining the connection.

the value from repository configuration


Database schema of the Quartz-related tables in database. Normally you do not have to change this parameter.

derived from the kind of SQL database used for repository


Helper class used by Quartz scheduler to access the database. Normally you do not have to change this parameter.

derived from the kind of SQL database used for repository

TODO other parameters

Less frequently used configuration items

Item Description Default value


How tasks are stopped, e.g. on node shutdown or on task suspend operation. Normally, the task is signaled to stop by setting its canRun flag to false. Task handler should periodically check this flag and act accordingly. However, there may be situations when Thread.interrupt() has to be used, for example when a long Thread.sleep() is invoked. But the interrupt() call may be dangerous in some cases, as - for example - for some database drivers it may cause the current database operation to be cancelled. As a solution, midPoint provides the following options on use of interrupt() call:

never = never uses interrupt() calls

always = always uses interrupt() calls (along with setting canRun = true)

** whenNecessary = first sets canRun = true, and if the task run does not finish within predefined time period (approx. 5 seconds), calls interrupt(). For implementation reasons, this mode works only for tasks running at local node; for remote tasks, if useThreadInterrupt = whenNecessary, interrupt() is never called.



How often should Quartz nodes check into the Quartz cluster. Specified in milliseconds. Usually does not need to be changed. Available since midPoint 4.1.



After what time should other nodes consider a Quartz node to be "down". Specified in milliseconds. Increase if you experience "This scheduler instance (…​) is still active but was recovered by another instance in the cluster. This may cause inconsistent behavior." messages and you are sure that clocks in your cluster are correctly synchronized. See MID-5500. Available since midPoint 4.1.



EXPERIMENTAL. An additional approximate check that task is not started at two nodes at once. (This can occur e.g. on unwanted Quartz node recovery described above.) Available since midPoint 4.1.


TODO other parameters

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