MidPoint 2.2.1 "Crius" Update 1
Release 2.2.1 is a ninth midPoint release. It is also the first maintenance update for 2.2.x version family code-named Crius. The 2.2.1 release brings bugfixes and minor improvements.
Release date | 28 January 2014 |
Release type | Maintenance release |
midPoint 2.2.1 provides following features:
Basic user data model suitable for easy integration
Numerous built-in properties based on IDM de-facto standards (LDAP inetOrgPerson, FOAF, …) and experience
Extensibility by custom properties
Off-the-shelf support for user password credentials
Off-the-shelf support for user activation
Enabled/disabled states (extensible in the future)
Support for user validity time constraints (valid from, valid to)
Object template to define policies, default values, etc.
Ability to use conditional mappings (e.g. to create RB-RBAC setup)
Ability to include other object templates
Global and resource-specific template setup
Account provisioning (create, read, update, delete accounts)
Support for mapping and expressions to determine account attributes
Support of multi-value attributes
Processing and computation fully based on relative changes
Higher-order dependencies (enables partial support for circular provisioning dependencies)
Provisioning robustness - ability to provision to non-accessible (offline) resources
Provisioning consistency - ability to handle provisioning errors and compensate for inconsistencies
Support for tolerant attributes
Ability to select tolerant and non-tolerant values using a pattern (regexp)
Matching rules to support case insensitive attributes (extensible)
Ability to execute scripts before/after provisioning operations
Advanced support for account activation (enabled/disabled states)
Standardized account activation that matches user activation schema for easy integration
Ability to simulate activation capability if the connector does not provide it
Support for account validity time constrains (valid from, valid to)
Support easy activation existence mappings (e.g. easy configuration of "disables instead of delete" feature)
Support for mapping time constraints in activation mappings that allow configuring time-related provisioning features such as deferred account delete or pre-provisioning.
Ability to specify set of protected accounts that will not be affected by IDM system
Integration of Identity Connector Framework (OpenICF)
Unified Connector Framework (UCF) layer to allow more provisioning frameworks in the future
Automatic generation and caching of resource schema from the connector
Support for connector hosts and remote connectors, identity connector and connectors host type
Remote connector discovery
Web-based administration GUI (AJAX)
Ability to execute basic identity management operations on users and accounts
Basic account-centered views (browse and search accounts directly)
Built-in XML editor for identity and configuration objects
Flexible identity repository implementations and SQL repository implementation
Keeping metadata for all objects (creation, modification, approvals)
Automatic repository cleanup to keep the data store size sustainable
Ability to execute scripts before/after reconciliation
Correlation and confirmation expressions
Conditional correlation expressions
Concept of channel that can be used to adjust synchronization behaviour in some situations
Advanced RBAC support and flexible account assignments
Hierarchical roles
Parametric roles (including ability to assign the same role several times with different parameters)
Several assignment enforcement modes
Ability to specify global or resource-specific enforcement mode
Ability to "legalize" assignment that violates the enforcement mode
Built-in libraries with a convenient set of functions
PolyString support allows automatic conversion of strings in national alphabets
Rule-based RBAC (RB-RBAC) ability by using conditional mappings in user template
Basic auditing
Auditing to file (logging)
Auditing to SQL table
Lightweight deployment structure
Support for Apache Tomcat web container
Import from file and resource
Protected accounts (accounts that will not be affected by midPoint)
Segregation of Duties (SoD)
Export objects to XML
Enterprise class scalability (hundreds of thousands of users)
API accessible using a web service and local JAVA calls
Workflow support (based on Activiti)
Disabled Features
Preview changes page
Changes With Respect to Version 2.1.x
Changes with respect to version 2.1.x
Change to Apache License version 2.0
Production-quality workflow integration (using Activiti)
Authorizations for GUI and web service integrated into RBAC mechanism
Support for rename operations
Fetch strategy in schema handling to support attributes that are not returned from connector by default
Numerous activation enhancements
Redesigned activation support with richer set of activation states and mappings
Support for user validity time constraints (valid from, valid to)
Support for account validity time constrains (valid from, valid to)
Support easy activation existence mappings (e.g. easy configuration of "disables instead of delete" feature)
Support for mapping time constraints in activation mappings that allow configuring time-related provisioning features such as deferred account delete or pre-provisioning.
Introducing concept of inducement as a generalization of the user-account assignment concept
Keeping metadata for all objects (creation, modification, approvals)
More expression variables to support complex RBAC assignment/inducement structures and dynamic roles
Improved internal resource caching
Improved import overwrite operation
Ability to use dynamic expression in provisioning script arguments
Reconciliation provisioning scripts
Introducing matching rules which means a better support for case-insensitive resource attributes (especially identifiers)
Option not to ignore the source attribute when using simulated activation
Improved handling of protected accounts
Improved handling of tolerant attribute values using patterns (regexp)
Ability to limit inbound mappings to a specific channel
XML-based synchronization context serialization to support seamless upgrades of running processes
Built-in object migration capability for easier system upgrades and data model migrations
Cleanup task to automatically clean up old data from the system and make the data store sustainable
Numerous schema improvements and generalizations
Auditing login and logout events
Improved internal consistency mechanism to handle more failure cases
More built-in functions available to scripting expressions
Resource-specific object templates
Include mechanism for object templates
Resource-specific assignment enforcement policies
New relative
Configurable legalization of accounts that are violating assignment policy
Improved correlation expression to support more cases
Improved handling of task results and readability of the information
Additional report types
Ability to invoke reconciliation of a specific user from GUI
Higher-order dependencies (enables partial support for circular provisioning dependencies)
Conditional correlation expressions
Performance and scalability improvements
Improved documentation
Release 2.2.1 (Crius Update 1) is intended for full production use in enterprise environments. All features are stable and well tested.
MidPoint is known to work well in the following deployment environments. The following list is list of tested platforms, i.e. platforms on which midPoint team or reliable partners personally tested this release. The version numbers in parentheses are the actual version numbers used for the tests. However it is very likely that midPoint will also work in similar environments. Also note that this list is not closed. MidPoint can be supported on almost any reasonably recent platform (please contact Evolveum for more details).
Sun/Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 7 (1.7.0_25)
Please note that Java 6 environment is no longer supported (although it might work in some situations).
Web Containers
Apache Tomcat 6 (6.0.32, 6.0.33)
Apache Tomcat 7 (7.0.30, 7.0.32)
Sun/Oracle GlassFish 3 (3.1)
H2 (embedded, only recommended for demo deployments)
PostgreSQL (8.4.14, 9.1, 9.2)
Supported MySQL version is 5.6.10 and above (with MySQL JDBC ConnectorJ 5.1.23 and above).
MySQL in previous versions didn’t support dates/timestamps with more accurate than second fraction precision. -
Oracle 11g (
Microsoft SQL Server (2008, 2008 R2, 2012)
Unsupported Platforms
Following list contains platforms that midPoint is known not to work due to various issues. As these platforms are obsolete and/or marginal we have no plans to support midPoint for these platforms.
Java 6
Sun/Oracle GlassFish 2
Download and Install
Release Form | Download | Install Instructions |
Binary |
https://evolveum.com/downloads/midpoint/2.2.1/midpoint-2.2.1-dist.zip |
Source |
Java API JavaDoc |
https://evolveum.com/downloads/midpoint/2.2.1/midpoint-api-2.2.1-javadoc/ |
SchemaDoc |
https://evolveum.com/downloads/midpoint/2.2.1/midpoint-2.2.1-schemadoc/ |
Background and History
midPoint is roughly based on OpenIDM version 1. When compared to OpenIDM v1, midPoint code was made significantly "lighter" and provides much more sophisticated features. Although the architectural outline of OpenIDM v1 is still guiding the development of midPoint almost all the OpenIDM v1 code was rewritten. MidPoint is now based on relative changes and contains advanced identity management mechanisms such as advanced RBAC, provisioning consistency and other advanced IDM features. MidPoint development is independent for more than two years. The development pace is very rapid. Development team is small, flexible and very efficient. Contributions are welcome.
For the full project background see the midPoint History page.
Known Issues
Extra values in tolerant multi-value attributes with high-order dependencies MID-1561. Workaround: set the attribute to non-tolerant.
AD connector does not distinguish error types (MID-1562) therefore the applicability of consistency mechanism on AD is limited (MID-1556). Workaround: use liveSync or frequent reconciliation.
Search filters are not resolved when using Roles→Edit role as well as in debug pages (MID-1571). Workaround: Maintain roles configurations in XML files outside midPoint. When you need to upload updated version of a role to midPoint, use "import from file" function.
When importing large number of accounts from LDAP server (import from resource), be sure to suspend LDAP live sync task as it may cause severe performance problems (MID-1549) - this is basically caused by live sync task trying to process LDAP changelogs, which have already been processed by import itself. If you forgot to suspend live sync task during initial LDAP import, there is another workaround. Simply suspend LDAP live sync task, then edit this task on debug pages and delete <token> element in <extension> element. Then resume LDAP live sync task and issue is fixed.
Linux/Solaris connector can’t fetch users - account attributes invalid names (MID-1547).
Midpoint incorrectly detects Script capability for resources (MID-1511).