Upgrade 3.7.1 to 3.8

Last modified 22 Apr 2024 12:47 +02:00


MidPoint 3.8 (Watt) is a release that is focused on performance and scalability. The goal is for midPoint to easily scale up to manage millions of identities. But it is all not just about the number of identities, the primary concerns are throughput and scalability. MidPoint 3.8 should perform the operations faster and it should be able to handle more operations in parallel.

However, such infrastructural improvements are not easy to make. Algorithms are easy to improve and deliver an improved version. However, many midPoint performance issues were caused by data structures that were not designed with performance and scalability as a priority. While we were aware of this issues for a long time, we have preferred easy upgradeability over performance. Therefore we have maintained backward-compatible database model since midPoint 3.0, which was released in 2014. But in a life of every evolving software product there is a time to make a bigger change. And for midPoint database model such time is now.

The database schemas of midPoint 3.7 and 3.8 are not compatible. Therefore the upgrade process from 3.7.1 to 3.8 is somehow more complex than usual. The XML/JSON/YAML data forms still are compatible. The data, configuration and (almost) all of the 3.7 functionality is still the same or compatible. The only thing that has changed is the way how are the data stored in database tables. The change in the database table structure is a substantial one. Therefore simple SQL script will not work here.

Overall, the upgrade process goes like this:

  1. Export all midPoint 3.7.x data to XML file.

  2. Change the database structure to 3.8.x format, upgrade midPoint code.

  3. Import the data to midPoint 3.8.x

The rest of this page provides detailed instructions for the upgrade procedure.

Pre-Upgrade Considerations

  • Upgrade can take quite long time. It depends on how many objects and audit records there are in midPoint repository. Following list contains long running items and approximate processing speed which can be used to calculate overall length of upgrade process (tested on 4cpu/16gb ram).

    • Size of compressed export file is approximately 200kB per 1000 objects.

    • Export speed is 120-180 objects per second.

    • Import speed is 60-120 objects per second.

    • DB script was able to update ~500 audit records per second.

  • Please consider purging or reducing audit log records before the upgrade. MidPoint was never designed to be SIEM or data warehouse system. MidPoint database schema was not designed with an intent of a long-term storage of audit records. In case that your midPoint deployment has large number of audit records then it is recommended to reduce number of audit records to a reasonable amount before the upgrade.

  • Following procedure describes upgrade of a stand-alone midPoint deployment that became the primary deployment method in midPoint 3.7. Upgrade of midPoint that is deployed to an web container is only partially supported. In this case it is expected that the engineer conducting midPoint upgrade will be able to deal with the situation without a detailed guide. However, some notes regarding upgrade of non-standalone deployment are provided below.

  • Make a complete database backup of all midPoint tables before the upgrade. Make sure that the backup includes database table structure (database schema). MidPoint database table structure will be changed during the upgrade in an incompatible way. The only practical way how to roll back a failed upgrade is to restore data from the database backup.

  • Make a filesystem backup of existing midPoint installation directory. This is important especially in case that you have customized midPoint startup scripts as the upgrade process will replace those with new versions. Also make a backup of midPoint home directory in case that it is not part of midPoint installation directory (e.g. if a non-standalone deployment is used).

  • JDBC drivers for some databases have limited distribution policies. These drivers cannot be distributed together with midPoint. Therefore there is a need to download and use the explicitly. The drivers used by existing midPoint 3.7 installation should work just fine. The only thing is that they need to be explicitly mentioned on the ninja37 command-line. The users of PostgreSQL database do not need to do anything. PostgreSQL driver is already bundled with midPoint distribution.

Paths and folders:

Path Description Example


Path where midPoint 3.8 distribution package was downloaded and extracted.


Path where midPoint 3.7 is installed.
This is also the path where upgraded midPoint 3.8 will be running.



Path to JDBC driver for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server.


Upgrade Procedure

Pre-Database Upgrade Phase

The goal of the pre-upgrade steps is to prepare midPoint deployment for an upgrade.

  1. Suspend all tasks:

    1. Make note of all tasks which will be suspended.

      It is recommended to suspend the tasks, although it is not entirely necessary. The reason for suspending the tasks is to avoid error right after upgrade. When midPoint starts for the first time after the upgrade there may be still some inconsistencies in configuration. E.g. resource may refer to old versions of the connectors. In that case a running task may end up with an error. Therefore either suspend the tasks before upgrade or fix the errors after the configuration is updated to a new version.

  2. Stop midPoint application.

    1. (non-standalone deployment only) If standalone deployment is not used, please undeploy midpoint from application server. New version will be deployed in next steps.

  3. Back up midPoint repository database

  4. Back up midPoint installation directory (MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH)

    Make sure the backup is complete and restoreable. In the next steps, script will delete and recreate midPoint tables and replace files in midPoint directories.

Database Upgrade Phase

  1. Update midPoint installation files.

    1. Download and extract release 3.8 distributable version, available here, to a chosen folder.

    2. Update existing installation:

      ./bin/upgrade.sh <MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH>


      • `MIDPOINT_3.8_DISTRIBUTION_PATH `is a folder where midPoint 3.8 distribution package was downloaded and extracted.

      • MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH points to existing 3.7.1 midPoint installation folder


        The upgrade.sh script will copy and move a lot of files from the distribution package (MIDPOINT_3.8_DISTRIBUTION_PATH) to the midPoint installation folder (MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH). This includes scripts (such as midpoint.sh) and libraries (such as midpoint.war). The upgrade.sh script will create backup of the target directories (bin.backup and lib.backup).
        The script will also copy ninja37 tool that will be needed to extract midPoint 3.7.1 data.

    3. (Optional) If one needs to count objects in midPoint before proceeding with the database upgrade, the following can be used:

      <MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH>/bin/ninja37.sh [-j <JDBC_DRIVER_JAR>] -v count


      • MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH points to the midPoint installation folder (originally containing 3.7.1, now upgraded to 3.8)

      • JDBC_DRIVER_JAR points to JDBC driver for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server. The -j is only necessary for these databases

    (Note that if you want to count the objects before upgrading midPoint files, it is possible to run ninja37.sh/.bat also from the folder into which you originally extracted 3.8 distributable version. However, it is necessary to set MIDPOINT_HOME environment variable to point to existing 3.7.1 home.)

  2. Export objects from midPoint.

    The following command will export the whole midPoint repository to a (compressed) XML archive. It will not export the audit records.

    <MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH>/bin/ninja37.sh [-j <JDBC_DRIVER_JAR>] -v export -r -z -O backup.zip -l <NUMBER_OF_THREADS_FOR_EXPORT_WORKERS>


    • MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH points to existing 3.7.1 midPoint installation folder

    • JDBC_DRIVER_JAR points to JDBC driver for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server. The -j is only necessary for these databases

    • NUMBER_OF_THREADS_FOR_EXPORT_WORKERS should be set roughly to number of database CPU cores, but as ninja runs locally on client it also depends on how many CPU cores can client use. Generally the number should be between 2 and 8.

  3. Modify database schema.

    Use your database client tools to execute <MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH>/doc/config/sql/_all/<DB_VENDOR>-upgrade-3.7-3.8.sql against midPoint database. It will update the audit records tables.


    • MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH points to existing 3.7.1 midPoint installation folder

    • DB_VENDOR is either: h2, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlserver

  4. Import objects to midPoint.

    The following command will import the (previously) exported midPoint repository from a (compressed) archive.



    • MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH points to existing 3.7.1 midPoint installation folder

    • JDBC_DRIVER_JAR points to JDBC driver for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server. The -j is only necessary for these databases

    • NUMBER_OF_THREADS_FOR_IMPORT_WORKERS should be set roughly to number of database CPU cores, but as ninja runs locally on client it also depends on how many CPU cores can client use. Generally the number should be between 2 and 8.

Note that the export was done using ninja37, while import is done using ninja (i.e. the 3.8 version).

Post-Database Upgrade Phase

  1. If you had customized anything in the start scripts in bin/ subdirectory (such as JVM options), please merge the changes back. The original files are in <MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH>/bin.backup

  2. Start midPoint.

    1. (non-standalone deployment only) If standalone deployment is not used, please deploy new version of midPoint. Use war file located in <MIDPOINT_INSTALLATION_PATH>/lib/midpoint.war.

  3. If midPoint deployment used resources with connectors bundled within midPoint (CSV, database, AD, LDAP):

    1. Go to repository objects page.

    2. Update connectorRef for all resource objects to point to new versions of connectors.

    3. Remove ConnectorType objects for non-existing connectors.

  4. Test all resources.

  5. Resume tasks that were suspended.


Following files can be removed after the upgrade:

  • ninja37 tool (ninja37.sh, ninja37.bat, ninja37.jar). This tool is only needed for upgrade from midPoint 3.7.x. It is not necessary for midPoint 3.8 and later.

  • Exported objects (backup.zip). Those objects are only necessary for a temporary period of the upgrade. The file with exported objects is no longer needed after the upgrade. However, it may be reasonable to store this file as a last backup of the old 3.7.x midPoint installation in the rare case that you will need to return back to midPoint 3.7.x later.

  • MidPoint 3.8 distribution package. The upgrade.sh script should copy everything that is needed to the installation directory. The distribution package is no longer needed to run midPoint.

Alternative Upgrade Scenarios

There are several alternative upgrade procedures:

  • Upgrade to midPoint 3.7.2. Then export data using regular ninja tool. In that case there is no need to use ninja37.

  • Upgrade to midPoint 3.7.2. Export data from midPoint 3.7.2 using the ninja tool. Create fresh installation of midPoint 3.8. Apply any customizations in midPoint home directory. Import the data.

Miscellaneous Notes

Data exported from 3.7 or 3.7.1 will not work for the purposes of the upgrade. MidPoint 3.8 database model has changed. Now there is a needed for explicit type definition in the export files for some property types (e.g. attributes in shadow objects). Export tools in midPoint 3.7 and 3.7.1 are not putting those definitions in the export files. Hence the need to use ninja37 tool. This is a modified version of ninja tool from midPoint 3.7. The ninja37 is modified to properly put the definitions in the export files. In fact, ninja37 is the ninja tool used in midPoint 3.7.2, where the export works as expected. Therefore data exported from midPoint 3.7.2 will work and in that case there is no need to use ninja37. Also data exported from midPoint built of the latest support-3.7 branch will work.

See Also

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