Testing Design

Last modified 07 Nov 2022 14:12 +01:00

This document covers only new tests needed for midScale. These are mostly performance tests, typically comparing state before and after.

The baseline for the tests can be obtained using:

  • The current 4.2 version or the head of its support branch (little to no performance improvements are expected in the branch).

  • "Old" implementations of components still available in the master, e.g. current Hibernate-based repository.

This means that some performance comparison tests may be executed in the master comparing two flavours of the component (like the repository). Other tests will be run both on the support-4.2 branch and the master comparing the same parts before and after the improvements.

For consistency reasons, the baseline will be measured on support-4.2 even for cases where the old implementation is preserved in the master.

Testing Design Meeting


  • Igor

  • Rado

  • Katka

  • Pavol

  • Tony

  • Richard

  • midPoint monitoring (performance, actuators, …​) - who?

  • Technical testing - advanced coordination and design decisions make it part of the infra - who?


  • Focus is to make it work in our private cloud. No effort shall be spent on the abstractions and preparation on the other clouds.

  • system components: mP, LDAP, PSQL, other resource prefer DBTables (PSQL) not files (scalability).

  • We will focus on docker and dockerization, not hybrids for now (VM/Windows).

  • Developers profiling only local: Prism (Pavol, Tony), partially Repo (Riso, maybe in combination with some DB profiler), GUI (open question for profiler)

  • System level profiling (mP built-in tool - Tracing by Pavol)

  • We will concentrate on new implementation, do not concentrate on existing implementation in new releases


  • Monitoring - we would need to sample environment metrics, ideally to provide with a context of a test being executed

    • midPoint metrics - midPoint is doing itself, but how to leverage those data is open question

    • Spring actuators - we will sample also these. open question - what data?

    • Profiling - open question for now

    • PSQL - performance monitoring and tuning. Open question

  • We shall update system requirement page with all the information and recommendations we compile during this project

    • Include also requirements for garbage collector configuration recommendations

  • Space optimization - systems with tens of mio records are sensitive to consumed space. We have to measure and evaluate space consumption for new old/new versions. We have to take into consideration DB, Filesystem, memory.

    • DB mainly Auditing, but also storage for all main objects. There are also problems some indexes are much bigger than the actual data (audit index is 5:1 audit data).

    • Filesystem ( logs, reports, …​).

      • For logs, we are polluting logs with much unnecessary information, log stacks, wrong log levels for typical operations, repeating the same errors (MID-5632, MID-5511)

    • For memory mainly heap, when working with so many objects in the IDM logic, caches, connectors, assignments, report processing.

  • Generic/system performance requirements

    • Entitlement membership handling for large entitlements (groups) (MID-5785)

    • Optimize change execution (MID-5566)

    • Improve performance of typical operations (MID-5539)

      • Reduce number of unnecessary operation, number of evalutations and so on (templates, mappings, …​)

    • Optimize the number of repository operations (MID-6147)

    • Thresholds and limits (MID-5348)

  • Repository

    • System down, huge amount of delta events stored for later

  • Tasks

    • User friendliness, user experience, data visibility (MID-6384, MID-5840)

    • Resiliency, error recovery (MID-6674, MID-6417, MID-6416, MID-6412, MID-6345, MID-6011)

    • Auto-scaling (cluster management/auto reconfig, (semi)automatic tasks distribution) (MID-6421, MID-6367)

  • GUI

  • Thread safety (aka Prism)

    • Raw type thread safety MID-6542

    • Resource and connector manager thread safety MID-5954

    • Optimize object cloning on RepositoryCache MID-5465

    • Time/load(CPU) optimization

    • (Optional) Space/memory footprint optimization

    • (Optional) Reporting/dashboards (space/performance) improvements.

  • Schrodinger

  • Query DSL

Do we have some performance or scalability targets? Do we know how big a system do we want to support? How many users, how many requests per second, special usage patterns (bursts), anything else?

Performance and scalability goals:

  • Start with 1mio of records, target 10+ mio, in order of magnitude tens of millions

  • The records are like cartesian product: 10 mio of users, each 10 accounts is like 100 million shadows

  • Open question: number of other objects? Like roles, services, orgs? And also many assignments slow down problem

  • Problem of many attributes for an object (100+).

Performance issues areas identified so far:

  • To slow Tasks (multi-threads, multi-nodes, …​), re-indexing

  • Handling of large groups

  • slow large org structures (Maybe just GUI problem)

Performance testing environment

Please, refer our infrastructure section to learn more about lab performance testing environment


TestNG already used for unit and integration testing will be used also for performance tests. MidPoint runs tests in multiple modules, often testing anything below the currently tested module.

  • For Prism tests we can add more unit-style tests in the Prism module. These do not use Spring framework and have minimal overhead.

  • For pure repository testing we can implement them in repo-sql-impl-testing. These initialize Spring context with the repository and dependent components, but without higher-level midPoint components like provisioning, model or GUI.

  • GUI and end-to-end integration testing will be supported by our Schrödinger module, effectively running midPoint in its entirety.

  • Cluster - TBD

Tooling must work both for testing on some reference setup and when run on the developer’s machine. Obviously, results can only be compared with other results in the same environment.

Jenkins job

Jenkins can run the tests repeatedly, but we don’t want to run all the other tests, just as we don’t want to slow down existing quick/nightly tests with performance tests. For this reason the performance tests are controlled by Maven profile perftest. This profile modifies surefire (or, in some modules, failsafe) plugin configuration to run only tests from testng-perf.xml suite. No other tests are run during the build. Maven test plugin configuration also sets the system property that causes TestMonitor to report to files.

See MidPoint_performance Jenkins job. Test outputs are archived with the post-build shell-script step.

Performance test output

  • Monitor name conventions? First part is implied - it’s the class simple name. Second part is simple symbolic name, prefer lowerCamelCase parts separated by .. Avoid any CSV related separator and quoting like any of "|;,' and spaces. Note was added to describe the monitor in human readable form.

  • Distinguish the symbolic name for test and production monitors? TBD, no need yet.

  • The metric name is the tuple [test, monitor’s symbolic name].

  • How do we want to identify the run? Report file name contains test class name, build number, short commit ID and build timestamp. File contains header section with BUILD_NUMBER, BRANCH, full GIT_COMMIT and test class name.

  • How to chart it? TBD: This can be work for infrastructure team.

  • Results must be postprocessed somehow - first there are various monitors from single run. We want to add each monitor to its time series (results of multiple runs). Here the run identification is important.

Test NG Performance tests

TestNG performance tests are based on usual midPoint abstract test classes, ultimately either AbstractUnitTest or AbstractSpringTest, and mixin interface PerformanceTestMixin. PerformanceTestMixin must be added to the test class directly, not to the superclass, otherwise the lifecycle methods (@Before/AfterClass) don’t work. These are important to initialize the TestMonitor and then report the results.

Simple TestNG Performance test
public class PerfTestExample extends AbstractUnitTest implements PerformanceTestMixin { (1)

    ItemPath PATH  = ... ;

    void testPerfomance() {
        // Invariant section
        PrismContainer root = ...;
        Stopwatch watch = stopwatch(monitorName("prism", "findItem"), "human readable description"); (2)

        // Measurement cycle
        for(int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) { (3)
            Object result; (4)
            // Actual measurement
            try (Split ignored = watch.start()) { (5)
                result = root.findItems(PATH); (6)
            assertNotNull(result); (7)
1 Test class extends from midPoint support unit-test abstract class and implements PerformanceTestMixin - both classes work in tandem to support TestMonitor.
2 Creates a named stopwatch which computes min, max, avg, and total for measured time. Convenience method provided by PerformanceTestMixin is a shortcut to testMonitor.stopwatch().
3 Repetition cycle - we need to make multiple measurements to obtain more precise result
4 We need to have side effect so JIT does not optimize our test code out.
5 Actual measurement, start returns Autocloseable which when closes stops time measurement. Ideally used as try-with-resources.
6 Actual operation to be measured.
7 Side effect, doing anything with the result so the call is not optimized out.

Parametric (comparison) measurements

Sometimes it is good to run similar test with different parameters, which may have different timing characteristics.

The proposed format for measurement name is: {measurementName}.{param1Value}.{param2Value}

Comparison of Parsing formats
public class PerfTestCodecObject extends AbstractSchemaTest implements PerformanceTestMixin {

    List<String> FORMAT = ImmutableList.of("xml", "json", "yaml");
    List<String> NS = ImmutableList.of("no-ns", "ns");
    int REPETITIONS = 20_000;

    void testAll() throws SchemaException, IOException {
        for (String format : FORMAT) {
            for (String ns : NS) {
                testCombination(format, ns);

    void testCombination(String format, String ns) throws SchemaException, IOException {
        String inputStream = getCachedStream(Paths.get("common", format , ns ,"user-jack." + format));
        Stopwatch timer = stopwatch(monitorName("parse", format, ns),
            "Parsing user as " + format + " with " + ns);
        for(int i = 1; i <=REPETITIONS;i++) {
            PrismObject<Objectable> result;
            try(Split ignored = timer.start()) {
                PrismParser parser = PrismTestUtil.getPrismContext().parserFor(inputStream);
                result  = parser.parse();


      private String getCachedStream(Path path) throws IOException {
Table 1. Example output of test (header parts excluded)
test monitor count total(us) avg(us) min(us) max(us) note








Parsing user as xml with no-ns








Parsing user as xml with ns








Parsing user as json with no-ns








Parsing user as json with ns








Parsing user as yaml with no-ns








Parsing user as yaml with ns

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