Getting and Searching Objects

Last modified 16 Oct 2024 12:20 +02:00

The midPoint Script Library provides capabilities to get and search objects from scripts.

The provided get and search related functions are:

  • Query Building Functions - allows to write queries using midPoint Query Language.

  • Get Object Functions - Allow to get object using type and oid of the object.

  • Search Object Functions - Allows to search objects using type and query

These capabilities are useful, and sometimes necessary, but their overuse may affect performance.

Performance Optimizations

Since midPoint 4.9 Native Repository splitted most full objects into components, which allows only to exclude paths, which are not needed for script logic.

For backwards compatibility these items are returned by default, but if it is necessary it is possible to exclude them from results.

The getObject, searchObjects, and searchObjectsIterative can be called with additional argument options, which provides more specific options, how to fetch data.

Partially readed objects (objects with exclusion) should not be used as base for new objects (added to repository), they are mostly intended for read-only use cases.
Returned objects may contain excluded data, if the underlying object was not yet stored splitted (in case of Native Repository) or these options are used for Generic Repository.

Fetching only base properties

Excluding all separatelly stored subitems
def query = midpoint.queryFor(UserType.class, "roleMembershipRef/@/name = 'Administrator'"); (1)
def options = midpoint.onlyBaseObject(); (2)
def administrators = midpoint.searchObjects(query , options); (3)
1 Query for users with Administrator role
2 Options, which exludes all separatelly stored items
3 Search of users, which fetches only basic data, based on options

Excluding Specific Items

The APIs allows, you to exclude specific items not needed for script using midpoint.getOperationOptionsBuilder(). This is script friendly shorthand for SchemaService.get().getOperationOptionsBuilder().

Currently you are able to exclude following properties:

  • operationExecution

  • assignment

  • inducement

  • linkRef

  • roleMembershipRef

Excluding roleMembershipRef and operationExecution items
def query = midpoint.queryFor(UserType.class, "roleMembershipRef/@/name = 'Administrator'"); (1)
def options = midpoint.getOperationOptionsBuilder() (2)
                .item(UserType.F_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP_REF).dontRetrieve() (3)
                .item(UserType.F_OPERATION_EXECUTION).dontRetrieve() (4)
                .build(); (5)

def administrators = midpoint.searchObjects(query , options); (6)
1 Query for users with Administrator role
2 We create builder using GetOperationOptionsBuilder
3 Instruction to not retrieve roleMembershipRef
4 Instruction to not retrieve operationExecution
5 We build options
6 Search using provided options
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