Outbound Mapping

Last modified 03 Jul 2024 15:32 +02:00

Outbound mapping define how the data are synchronized from the user to accounts or, in other words, when the data out of midPoint. See Synchronization Examples for a generic explanation of the synchronization mechanism.

synchronization outbound

Outbound expressions are defined in the schema handling section of resource definition. The expression definition is inside attribute definition which is inside account type definition:

              concat('uid=', $c:focus/c:name, ',ou=people,dc=example,dc=com')


Outbound expressions usually take variables from the system variables provided by midPoint when the expression is evaluated. Following table summarizes the variables available to outbound expressions.

Variable name Type Description

root node

Subclasses of FocusType

Represents focal object which is typically a user. This is the most common source of data for outbound expressions.



Numeric value describing the current iteration. It starts with 0 and increments on every iteration. Iterations are used to find unique values for an account, to resolve naming conflicts, etc.



String value describing the current iteration. It is usually suffix that is appended to the username or a similar "extension" of the value. It should have different value for every iteration. The actual value is determined by the iteration settings.

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