Tasks: What’s New In 4.3

Last modified 27 Oct 2021 12:21 +02:00
Since 4.3
This functionality is available since version 4.3.

Tasks are one of key areas of the midScale project aimed at significant improvement of midPoint scalability. It is natural that they have got a number of enhancements and new features in 4.3. Let us have a look at some of them.

The midScale project continues into midPoint 4.4 release. The work on tasks will be put into its final form in 4.4 as well. Therefore, what is presented here, is basically a report on a work in progress.

Formally, many of these features are marked as experimental in 4.3. They should work, but details will be most probably fine-tuned based on experiences and user feedback.

Processing Errors

Error Reporting

When an object fails to be processed by a task, this fact should be reported in a reliable and understandable way. In previous versions of midPoint this was generally true, except for some border cases: for example when an object couldn’t be correctly retrieved from a resource.[1]

Since 4.3, almost all kinds of failures are reliably reported by creating so-called operation execution records. These records are then used to display erroneous objects. (The way how these objects are shown by GUI has been improved in 4.3 as well.)

Error Handling

MidPoint can now automatically or semi-automatically retry failed objects processing. This aspect is rather complex, so it is covered in a separate document.

Progress and Statistics Reporting

Progress vs. Statistics

When a task runs, we need to see how much of the work has already been done, how much work remains, and what is the approximate pace at which we are proceeding. This is necessary e.g. to be able to estimate the time to completion.

Before 4.3, this information was somehow present, but was not complete nor precise enough. Moreover, aspects like work buckets and task suspension and resumption made some of this information unreliable.

Since 4.3, we rigorously distinguish two aspects:

  1. Progress: what part of the overall work has been done?

  2. Iteration statistics: how many items were processed?[2]

These two aspects start to differ when a task is suspended and then resumed, because in such a case some objects get processed twice. This duplicate processing is reflected in iteration statistics, but intentionally excluded from progress information.

Technically, a new structuredProgress container was added to TaskType objects. The statistics about processed items (operationStats/iterativeTaskInformation) were restructured.

Task Parts

New conceptual model of task execution was conceived. It is not formalized and documented yet, but its basic features can be seen in the preliminary design document. The new entity identified there is the task part. A task part can be viewed as a distinct action (e.g. a recomputation) executed on a set of objects covered by single midPoint query (e.g. all users).

Task part is a basic unit of execution and reporting. Therefore, both the progress and iteration statistics are kept for each of the parts separately.


The throughput (i.e. how many items have been processed per time unit) is a key performance indicator of a task. Unfortunately, task suspension and resumption, as well as multi-node task scenarios (having multiple tasks executing in parallel, even some of them starting later than others) complicate the throughput computation.

In midPoint 4.3 we introduced more precise algorithm in this area. It is based on exact recording of execution start and stop moments - see operationStats/iterativeTaskInformation/part/execution structure.


Before 4.3, we roughly distinguished two outcomes of an object processing within a task: success or failure.

Now we have three basic outcome types: success, failure, or "skip". The newly added skip outcome means that the item was obtained (either from the repository or from a resource), but for any reason, its further processing was abandoned.

Typical examples - among many - are:

  • object retrieved multiple times due to a complex repository query,

  • irrelevant live sync or async update change,

  • a protected account.

In addition to this basic three-way classification, an outcome can be qualified by arbitrary URI. Therefore, it is possible to analyze e.g. why objects were skipped, or to distinguish between various types of failures. Although this feature is not fully enabled in 4.3, all relevant data structures are already in place, so it is prepared for the future.

Selected statistics are then indexed by outcome. It is thus possible to see not only how many successes, failures, or skips there was, but also e.g. how much time was spent processing objects leading to particular outcome, what was the last object with that outcome, and so on.

Objects Being Processed

As a minor improvement, for tasks that concurrently process more objects we now show not only single currently processed object, but all of them.

Synchronization Statistics

Synchronization statistics, i.e. how did synchronization states of shadows (like linked, unlinked, unmatched, and so on) change, is now more precise and informational.

  1. Now we distinguish not only "before" and "after" moments, but "on processing start", i.e. the state of the shadow in repository, "on synchronization start", i.e. the state of the shadow as determined by the synchronization algorithm at the beginning, and "on synchronization end", i.e. the state after the synchronization process ends.

  2. Instead of showing only aggregate counters for "before" and "after" moments, we now show the counts for each particular state transition, e.g. "unlinked to linked" (simply speaking). This provides more plastic image of what really happened during the task execution.

  3. Objects excluded from synchronization - e.g. protected objects - are no longer counted under (artificial) synchronization states, but under standard "skip" outcome, categorized by the reason of exclusion. This further increases the clarity of the information.

Provisioning Statistics

The time spent in provisioning operations is now collected not only globally (i.e. per object class on resource) but also per each operation kind. These statistics are now also summarized through the task trees.

Task Tree State Reporting

Task trees - i.e. tasks that have subtasks corresponding to individual parts and/or workers, were added to midPoint in version 3.8, but not adequately covered by GUI until now. One particular pain point was how the state of a task tree was displayed. Technically, root task is in a waiting state, but displaying it in such a way is grossly misleading for the users.

Since 4.3 we distinguish between "technical" and "user-visible" state of the task. The former is called schedulingState and has four values: ready, waiting, suspended, and closed. (It corresponds roughly to pre-4.3 execution status.) The latter is user-visible and has six values: running, runnable, waiting, suspended, and closed. It uses the same executionStatus property as in 4.2 and before. For example, when a task tree executes, its root task has scheduling state of waiting but its user-visible execution state is running.

This area is not fully covered in 4.3. For example, similar clarification is needed also for the operation result. Some other features, like notifications, are also still not task-tree aware.


The GUI was improved significantly. For example, statistical information is now shown using nice colored graphs and widgets, instead of "dry" textual form as was before.

1. Sometimes the tasks were even not able to recover from such a situation and suspended immediately.
2. The term is not final. It will probably change.
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