REST Authentication

Last modified 27 Oct 2021 12:21 +02:00

Starting with 4.2 the REST API uses Flexible Authentication with only Basic Authentication + Impersonation on by default. SecQ must be added via Security Policy Configuration.

Basic Authentication

MidPoint REST interface support standard HTTP basic authentication (RFC2617). Digest authentication is not supported.

Proxy (Impersonation)

There are use cases when the authenticated user is not the user which is supposed to execute the operations in midPoint. For example a self-service application would like to use the identity of the end user to execute the operations in midPoint. However in that case the self-service application would need to know the password of end user. This approach is neither practical nor secure. Therefore this use case is supported by other methods. The recommended approach is to use a single sign-on (SSO) or similar system to pass end-user identity to midPoint. OAuth2 is a recommended approach in the case of midPoint REST interface (see below). However, there are cases when OAuth cannot be used. The proxy (impersonation) functionality is designed to handle those cases.

The proxy or impersonation is an ability for one user to switch his identity to different user. In the case of self-service application it works like this:

  1. Setup: Self-service application will be issues with the application credentials. There will be an application user in midPoint (e.g. selfserviceapp user). The user will have a strong password which is known to the self-service application.

  2. End user (jack) clicks a button in the self-service application that needs to invoke operation in midPoint.

  3. Self-service application constructs a REST request to midPoint:

    1. The HTTP request will contain standard Authorization header with Basic or Digest token. The token will represent the application user (selfserviceapp).

    2. The HTTP request will also contain a special header (Switch-To-Principal). This header refers to the identity of the end user (jack).

    3. The URL and payload will be set up according to the REST operation.

  4. MidPoint will authenticate the application user (selfserviceapp).

  5. MIdPoint will extract the end user from the Switch-To-Principal header.

  6. MidPoint will check whether the authenticated (application) user has proxy authorization that allows switch to the end user.

  7. If the authorization check is successful midPoint will switch the authenticated identity to the use user (jack). The operation will be executed using the authorizations of the end user. The identity of the end user will be recorded in the audit trail.

HTTP header format and example

Header name: Switch-To-Principal
Header value: midPoint oid of the user under which the operation will run
Example: -H "Switch-To-Principal: dc12980b-0b92-4c4b-9a4d-f18f70ac977f"
Curl example:

curl --user "administrator:5ecr3t" -X GET -H "Switch-To-Principal: dc12980b-0b92-4c4b-9a4d-f18f70ac977f" -H "Accept: application/yaml" "http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/self" -v

Example proxy authorization (which is assigned to the application user such as selfserviceapp) :


The authorization above allows the user to switch identity to any other user who has the employeeType attribute set to value enduser.

Security Questions

Security question authentication is used when "Authorization" header is filled with the value SecQ. It is expected that the client send all required information for the authentication such as username and list of question identifier and question answer couples.


  • midPoint is configured to support security question.

  • User credentials contains security questions and answers on them.

  • REST API call contains "Authorization" header with the value "SecQ" followed with the base64 encoded required information.

Expecting (JSON) format of data sent for SecQ authentication

  "user" : "administrator",
  "answer" : [
           "qid" : "",
           "qans" : "I don't know!"

Example above is the format which is expected for the security question authentication. Attribute user has to contain username of the user to authenticate. List of answers has to contain question identifier (qid attribute) and question answers (qans attribute) couples. It is sent in the Authorization header encoded in base64 format to the server.

Example curl call:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: SecQ ew0KInVzZXIiIDogImFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiLA0KImFuc3dlciIgOiBbDQogew0KICAgInFpZCIgOiAiaHR0cDovL21pZHBvaW50LmV2b2x2ZXVtLmNvbS94bWwvbnMvcHVibGljL3NlY3VyaXR5L3F1ZXN0aW9uLTIjcTAwMSIsDQogICAicWFucyIgOiAiSSBkb24ndCBrbm93ISINCiB9DQpdDQp9" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -H "Accept: application/yaml" "http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/self" -v

challengeResponseSecQ Challenge - Response implementation

The whole sequence with HTTPie and base64 encoding using command substitution in bash may look like this:

$ http -v :8080/midpoint/ws/rest/self | grep WWW-Authenticate
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="internalBasic", SecQ realm="httpSecQ"

# specifying user, response header is "parsed" and decoded
$ http -v :8080/midpoint/ws/rest/self "Authorization: SecQ $(base64 -w 0 <<< '{"user":"administrator"}')" | grep WWW-Authenticate | cut -d' ' -f 3 | base64 -di
{"user":"administrator","answer":[{"qid":"","qtxt":"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if woodchuck could chuck wood?"},{"qid":"","qtxt":"What's your favorite color?"}]}

# final answer for q001, this shows complete response for "self"
http -v :8080/midpoint/ws/rest/self "Authorization: SecQ $(base64 -w 0 <<< '{"user":"administrator","answer":[{"qid":"", "qans":"much"}]}')"

Other authentication options

Please, consult Flexible authentication configuration for further options, e.g. httpHeader for pre-authenticated users. This allows to delegate authentication to another component, e.g. HTTP server reverse proxy, and implement other types of authentication like OAuth2, SAML, etc.

See Also

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