Self Registration Configuration

Last modified 08 Aug 2023 15:52 +02:00
Since 3.5
This functionality is available since version 3.5.
MidPoint 4.6 and later
This configuration is valid in midPoint 4.6 and later. For configuration before 4.6 please see Self Registration Configuration before 4.6.

Self registration in midPoint provides possibility for unauthenticated user to enroll to midPoint and request assignments. By default, self registration is disabled. Following text describes how to enable self registration in midPoint.

Enabling Self Registration

To enable this feature you’ll need to configure security policy and reference this security policy from system configuration. After this, self registration process is enabled globally (in the multi-tenant environment it means that the configuration will be shared between tenants, the plan is to support self registration configuration per tenant in later midPoint versions).

<systemConfiguration xmlns=""
   <globalSecurityPolicyRef oid="28bf845a-b107-11e3-85bc-001e8c717e5b" type="c:SecurityPolicyType"/>

In the example above, you can see globalSecurityPolicyRef which refers to the security policy which will be used and checked if the self registration is enabled. The above example also works with publicHttpUrlPattern attribute. This value is used while generating confirmation link for self registration verification process.

Configuring Security Policy

Configuration for self registration is in Security Policy object and it is separated into three parts - registration, authentication and credentials. Using these three parts you can configure the self registration process, e.g how to confirm registered user, which roles should be assigned to the user after confirmation and more. Basically there are two major different scenarios:

  • self-registration for the new users

  • self post-registration (or invitation) for existing users in midPoint

Self Registration For The New Users

In this scenario, users are allowed to register by themselves. There is no policy and rules which force the existence of the user in the midPoint or anything like this. Self registration allows everyone to register to the midPoint. The configuration for self registration can look like following:

         <displayName>Self Registration</displayName>
         <defaultRole oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008" type="c:RoleType"/>

With the configuration above, after user submits the registration form, a new user entry is created in midPoint. For this newly created user, lifecycle state is set to the draft. Until user doesn’t confirm his/her registration it cannot do anything, it is disabled and no roles are assigned. After confirmation, specified default roles are assigned to the user.

Self Post-Registration (or Invitation) For Existing Users in MidPoint

This scenario can be used for various scenarios, e.g:

  • Imagine that you are deploying midPoint in the existing environment. In your environment you already have an existing LDAP server (and other applications). You imported users from LDAP to the midPoint and you want to let the users know, that there is an IDM solution which they will use for requesting access rights, reset password, etc. You want the users to change the password and confirm that they are still active and still want to use the provided services.

  • There is time constraint policy. Users can be active for one year. After the year, they are marked as disabled and are requested to remake the registration process to be active again.

  • You started to provide new service and you want to invite some users to use this service.

  • …​..

To activate the invitation flow the same flow configuration should be used.

         <displayName>Self Registration</displayName>
         <defaultRole oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008" type="c:RoleType"/>

The invitation flow also requires an invitation sequence to be added to the authentication part of the security policy (please, see Authentication Part chapter) and a notifier to be configured to send the invitation link to be configured (please, see Email Notifications chapter). For invitation sequence a mail nonce authentication module is used. As for notifier, different possibilities are available depending on the use case, in this documentation simple user notifier configuration is used to generate and send an invitation link. Current flow requires that the user already exists in midPoint. The lifecycle state which is required to successfully register the user is specified with attribute requiredLifecyleState. This is to support situations, where all potential users are pre-created/pre-registered by administrators (but they are not active until they don’t register and confirm the registration). After user fills in registration form and submits it, existing user is modified in midPoint with the configured lifecycle state (initialLifecycleState attribute). This newly created user is disabled and doesn’t have any roles assigned until he/she confirms the registration. Confirmation of registration is configurable using additionalAuthenticationSequence attribute. After user successfully confirms the registration, default roles are assigned to him/her - default roles are configured using defaultRole attribute.

More information about lifecycle configuration, please, see Configure lifecycle activation

As an example let’s see on the use case when the user is created by the administrator and the invitation link is sent to the user.

  1. Administrator creates new user. Lifecycle state is set to Draft (notification configuration example sends invitation link just in case when the lifecycle is draft).

  2. Simple user notifier is triggered. Invitation link is created (please, see notification configuration part) and sent to the user. While this action producing the nonce is created and saved to the new user. This nonce is used to authenticate the user while invitation link opening.

  3. The user receives the link and opens it.

  4. Registration form is opened. The user fills in the necessary fields and confirms the form.

  5. Registration confirmation link is sent to the user (please, see user registration notifier configuration).

  6. User opens registration confirmation link.

  7. Invitation flow is finished.If all authentications were successful, the user lifecycle state is changed to Active.

Authentication Part

            <description> Authentication based on mail message with a nonce. Used for user registration.</description>
    <!-- sequence which is used to authenticate the user after registration form submitting -->
        <description>A nonce mail used to confirm user's registration</description>

    <!-- sequence which is used to authenticate the user while opening the invitation link -->
        <description>A nonce mail to authenticate the user while invitation link opening</description>

Authentication part contains one sequence ("selfRegistrationAuth") for the registration confirmation and one sequence ("invitationAuth") for the user authentication while invitation link opening. In both sequences mail authentication module is used. This means that the user receives the mail with the confirmation/invitation link. After clicking on the link in the mail midPoint tries to authenticate the user.

Credentials Part

         <maxAge>PT10M</maxAge> <!-- be aware of setting the appropriate maxAge value for the invitation link usage-->
         <valuePolicyRef oid="00000000-0000-1111-0000-000000000003" type="c:ValuePolicyType" />

Credentials configuration can contain various rules for different types of credentials. In the example above there is a configuration for nonce credentials. It is used for generating and validating nonce by self registration. Max age is the time how long is the nonce valid and valuePolicyRef is reference to the policy used for generating the nonce - e.g. the length, unique characters etc.

Self-Registration And Custom Form

It is possible to define a custom form for self-registration process. With introducing custom forms in midPoint they can be also used with the self-registration. All what is needed is to reference to the concrete form in the self-registration configuration as in the example below

Self registration with custom form


         <formRef oid="6818a918-109a-4b82-876b-f72dec9d561a" type="c:FormType"><!-- Registration form --></formRef>

Email Notifications

To enable email confirmation notification shall be configured first. For the registration there is UserRegistrationNotifier. Configuration looks as follows:

  • default registration notifier.Simple registration notifier

               <script xmlns:xsi=""
                    return requestee.getEmailAddress()
  • custom registration notifier - while using custom expression for the body, don’t forget to add call for `midpoint.createRegistrationConfirmationLink(userType); `which will generate the confirmation link needed to finish the registration.

                    return requestee.getEmailAddress()

                        modelEvent = (ModelEvent) event
                        newUser = modelEvent.getFocusContext().getObjectNew();
                        userType = newUser.asObjectable();

                        plainTextPassword = midpoint.getPlaintextUserPassword(userType);

                        bodyMessage = "Dear " + userType.getGivenName() + ",\n\n" +
                            "your account was successfully created. To activate your account click on the confirmation link below in the                     email." +
                            "\n" +
                            "After your account is activated, use following credentials to log in: \n" +
                            "username: " + userType.getName().getOrig() + "\n" +
                            "password: " + plainTextPassword+ "\n\n" +

                        return bodyMessage;
 <!-->BEGIN: Handler in case of user's invitation <-->
                        import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.SchemaConstants

                        modelEvent = (ModelEvent) event
                        context = modelEvent.getModelContext()
                        changeType = modelEvent.getChangeType()
                        if (!SchemaConstants.CHANNEL_SELF_REGISTRATION_URI.equals(context.getChannel())) {
                            if (changeType == ChangeType.ADD) {
                                newUser = modelEvent.getFocusContext().getObjectNew();
                                userType = newUser.asObjectable();
                                link = midpoint.createInvitationLink(userType)
                                return "Please, follow the link to finish the registration  \n" + link
                        return null;
 <!-->END: Handler in case of user's invitation<-->

The important setting for the notifier is attribute <confirmationMethod>. According to the value for the confirmation method, confirmation link/pin is generated to verify user. Other parts of configuration are same as for other notifiers. Details for notification configuration are described here.

How it works

self registration

End user guide

  1. Open midPoint in browser. If the self registration is enabled, you will see the button "Sign up" on the login page

    login page
  2. Click on the Sign up button and you’ll see following form

    registration page
  3. Fill in all fields and click on the "Register" button.

    confirm message
  4. Mail with confirmation link will be send on the mail you entered.

    confirmation mail
  5. Click on the confirmation link in your email. If your registration is successful you can continue with login.

    confirmation success
  6. In the case you got any error during registration process, please contact your system administrator.

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