Using Native PostgreSQL Repository

Last modified 01 Mar 2024 00:20 +01:00
Since 4.4
This functionality is available since version 4.4.


To use midPoint with Native PostgreSQL repository you need to:

  1. Get the midPoint distribution and install it as described here; you can stop after unpacking the archive and setting up MIDPOINT_HOME environment variable.

  2. Install and set up the PostgreSQL database - this is the part covered by the bulk of this document.

  3. Prepare config.xml to configure midPoint for the Native repository. Read Repository Configuration for more information, including a complete example of config.xml for Native repository.

  4. Finally, you can run midPoint; this is described in the rest of the installation document mentioned in the first step.

Database setup

PostgreSQL versions 14 and newer are supported. We always recommend using the latest stable version, which as of writing this document is 16.x.

Installation and configuration

This guide does not cover the installation process as there are many possible combinations. Adjust the setup in pg_hba.conf to the real IP address of the server. Setup can be different if PG is used only on localhost, but we assume host-to-host communication which is typical for production setup.

The short checklist:

  • Install PostgreSQL 16 on your OS or server or VM.

  • Setup listen_addresses = '*' in postgresql.conf.

  • While in postgresql.conf it’s also good to add statements statistics extension and query logging for better visibility (the latter may not be a good option for production and small disks). See the snippet lower.

  • Setup host…​md5 line in pg_hba.conf, otherwise you (and JDBC driver) will not be able to connect to the database remotely.

  • Restart PostgreSQL.


In short, this can all be added to the end postgresql.conf:

listen_addresses = '*'

# this is necessary for pg_stat_statements extension
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'

# To log all queries, uncomment the lines below.
# Monitor the free disk space afterwards, there is no automatic cleanup!
#log_directory = 'pg_log'
#log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'
#log_statement = 'all'
#logging_collector = on
Sizing the database server and adjust PostgreSQL configuration parameters is not part of this document at this moment - but we plan to add it. In the meantime rely on other online resources. Be aware that the default Postgres server sizing is rather small. You can use a configuration calculator like this to get reasonable defaults if you know the DB hardware (use "Mixed type of application" as DB type).

For more information regarding this configuration file read this document from official PostgreSQL documentation.


To make things simple, we will allow all connections to the database; password is still required. Add the following lines at the end of the pg_hba.conf file:

# Allow connections from outside (with password)
host    all             all               md5

For more information regarding this configuration file read the official documentation.

Restart the server

Any chanes to postgresql.conf or pg_hba.conf requires PostgreSQL server restart. Do so now to apply the configration changes.

Database preparation

Don’t use pgAdmin for midPoint SQL scripts! Explanation is in one of the important blocks below.

Assuming we start in bash as a root or sudo capable user, let’s first run psql as database admin:

sudo -i -u postgres psql

Next we will create a user and a database for midPoint. In the following example, we create midpoint user as database superuser. If you require non-superuser, follow this section instead.


The command above may complain about the collation on some platforms:

[22023] ERROR: new collation (en_US.UTF-8) is incompatible with the collation of the template database (en_US.utf8)
Hint: Use the same collation as in the template database, or use template0 as template.

You can either add suggested TEMPLATE template0 to the command, or use en_US.utf8 locale instead of en_US.UTF-8.

To initialize the database connect to midpoint database as midpoint user and execute the content of the following schema files provided with the distribution package under the doc/config/sql/native directory:

  • postgres.sql is the content of the main repository schema without audit tables. This file also creates public schema if missing - dropping the whole public schema is often the fastest way to replace any previous schema (obviously, not recommended for production).

  • postgres-audit.sql is the content of audit schema. It can be applied on top of the main repository schema or separately to another database. If both schemas are to be applied, first apply main repository schema followed by audit schema.

  • postgres-quartz.sql is the script with tables necessary for midPoint scheduler (using Quartz Schduler). These tables are optional, but it is recommended to create them in case you need them. The tables must be created in the main repository schema.

See Native PostgreSQL Audit Trail for details how to set it up in a database separate from the main repository. Be aware that with new repository both databases have to be PostgreSQL databases. It is possible to use different versions for each database as long as they are supported (13 or higher).

If you want to migrate your old audit records to the new database and keep event record IDs unique, set the ID sequence in the new database as described in Audit migration from other database.

We recommend using psql for database initialization like this:

export PGPASSWORD=password # password for psql, you can skip it and enter it interactively
# If you want to replace any previous tables in the schema, uncomment this drop too:
#psql -h localhost -d midpoint -U midpoint -c "drop schema public cascade"
psql -h localhost -d midpoint -U midpoint -f postgres.sql -f postgres-audit.sql -f postgres-quartz.sql

If you want to use different schema name than public you have to adjust the initialization commands.

Prefer psql command

You can use other client than psql, but the client must send the commands to the server separately. E.g. IDEA Ultimate Edition or DataGrip from JetBrains work fine.

Some clients, notably pgAdmin, send the whole content in a single request. This does not go well with midPoint initalization script that calls procedure with COMMIT inside. You can execute call statements separately, but the same problem occurs for upgrade scripts where you’d need to execute each call separately.

Alternatively, it seems that wrapping the content of the file with an anonymous block works, but we still recommend using tools that can execute files properly - that is psql.

Quartz tables

Quartz scheduler in midPoint can be configured to use a database with taskManager/jdbcJobStore option in config.xml set to true. This is also the default if clustered is set to true. See Task Manager Configuration for further details.

Even if not required, it is best to create these tables in case the scheduler configuration changes later.

If you plan to use statement statistics extension (not discussed here), initialize it like this:

psql -h localhost -d midpoint -U midpoint -c "create extension pg_stat_statements"

Installing As Non-Superuser

The instruction above assume that database user midpoint is a database superuser. This is a very convenient method. However, it is likely to be a security concern, especially in case that midPoint is sharing database engine with other applications. Following steps describe the process of database initialization without granting superuser privileges to midPoint user.

  1. Connect to psql utility as superuser (postgres). Execute following commands.

  2. Create user without superuser privileges:


    Or alternatively use createuser utility:

    sudo -u postgres createuser --pwprompt --no-superuser --no-createdb --no-createrole midpoint
  3. Create midpoint database with midpoint user as an owner:

  4. As database superuser (postgres) connect to the new database:

    \c midpoint
  5. Execute the commands that create database extensions. Such commands require superuser privileges:

    DO $$
        PERFORM pg_get_functiondef('gen_random_uuid()'::regprocedure);
        RAISE NOTICE 'gen_random_uuid already exists, skipping create EXTENSION pgcrypto';
    EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_function THEN
        CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;

    Check the create script for all occurrenes of CREATE EXTENSION and run them manually.

  6. Run the rest of the SQL script as user midpoint:

    psql -h localhost -d midpoint -U midpoint -f doc/config/sql/native/postgres.sql

    There may be errors indicating problems with creating database extensions, caused by the script attempting to execute a privileged operation. You can ignore such errors, as the extensions were created by superuser in previous step.

  7. Continue installation process normally, which means executing the audit SQL script postgres-audit.sql and script for Quartz tables postgres-quartz.sql.

With this setup you have to be careful with upgrade scripts as well. Always check the upgrade SQL script for new CREATE EXTENSION and run those as superuser first! Afterwards, you can run the whole upgrade script as the normal user (midpoint in this example).

midPoint Configuration

At this moment the database is prepared and it’s time to configure midPoint appropriately. This typically preparing proper repository configuration in config.xml file. Configuration options related to repository as well as an example of config.xml file can be found in Repository Configuration article. The article references this page, but if you finished the steps above in this document, you can focus just on the config options.

With the database ready and midPoint configuration file referencing the Native repository, you can finally run midPoint, e.g. by running bin/ More details on running midPoint are mentioned in the installation document.

Versioning and upgrading

Long story short, just run the provided postgres-upgrade.sql anytime, it should be safe. It always runs only the missing parts of the upgrade process. Be sure you’re running the upgrade script provided with the version you’re actually using, see database schema upgrade.

You can find further details in the source code documentation for apply_change procedure at the end of the postgres.sql script.


If you find a bug or encounter performance problem with the Native repository, it is always important to gather more information before reporting the issue.

  • In case of error or exception, always include the relevant portion of the midpoint.log in the report.

  • Review Index tuning tips for performance problems, especially for extension items or shadow attributes.

  • If the performance problem is indeed DB related, identify the slow query, preferably using pg_stat_statements extension as described here.

  • To log issued SQL queries in midpoint.log, configure system loggers (System in main menu, then Logging) so that it contains com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sqlbase.querydsl.SqlLogger with level DEBUG (shows SQL) or TRACE (includes parameter values).

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