Connector Setup

Last modified 01 Jul 2024 15:29 +02:00

There are three things that need to be correctly set up for the connector to work:

  1. Connector code (the JAR file)

  2. Connector definition (ConnectorType) as an object in midPoint repository. This is usually created automatically by midPoint.

  3. Reference to connector in resource definition (ResourceType) in a form of connectorRef element.

Connector Code

Connector code is usually packaged in a JAR file that contains the connector classes. The file has to be downloaded and "deployed" to midPoint. Some connectors are already bundled with midPoint and their code is a part of midPoint.

The connector can be "deployed" to midPoint by placing the JAR file in directory icf-connectors in midPoint home directory and restarting midPoint.

If you are developing or planning to develop a ConnId connector, you may want to read:

Bundled Connectors

Some connectors are already packaged (bundled) with midPoint:

The JAR file for these connectors is part of midPoint distribution. Therefore these connectors are available automatically in any midPoint instance. No extra installation is necessary.

Bundled connector versions

The bundled connectors are provided in the latest stable version available at the time of each particular midPoint release. This means that the at least some connector versions are likely to change when midPoint is upgraded. Therefore a connector upgrade procedure is usually needed after midPoint is upgraded. See Connector Upgrade.

Non-bundled Connectors

There are many connectors that can be used with midPoint. Many of the connectors were developed by Evolveum. Some of these come from other projects (such as ConnId connectors created for Apache Syncope or legacy OpenICF connectors). There are also independent connectors provided by the community. Therefore, it is not practical to bundle all the connectors with midPoint. Despite that, using any compatible connector is easy:

  1. Download the connector code (the JAR file). E.g. the connectors that we usually work with are listed in the Identity Connectors page.

  2. Deploy the connector. Just place the JAR file in the MidPoint Home Directory in the icf-connectors subdirectory.

  3. Restart midPoint.

Connector Versions

The ConnId framework supports deployment of multiple versions of the same connector at the same time. This is a very useful feature, especially when:

  • Testing and staging new connector version. The new version can be deployed together with an old version. Majority of the resources can use the old version while the new version is tested on one or two selected resources.

  • Overriding the version of bundled connector. Just deploy a specific version of the bundled connector in the same way as you would deploy an unbundled connector. Then this specific version will always be available regardless of how midPoint is upgraded.

Connector Definition

Connector definition (ConnectorType) is an object in midPoint repository. These objects are normally created automatically by midPoint as part of the connector discovery process. Discovery of local connectors happens automatically when midPoint is started. If there are any new connectors in the MidPoint Home Directory, midPoint will create corresponding connector definitions for them. The discovery of remote connectors needs to be triggered explicitly (see below).

The typical connector object looks like this:

LDAP Connector Definition
<connector oid="38d81d33-ddde-46a1-ada6-b905778377a5">
    <name>ICF com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector v1.4.2.0</name>
                .... connector configuration schema in XSD format is here ...

Even though connector definitions are created automatically, they are first-class objects in midPoint repository. Therefore, they need to be managed. E.g. connector definitions are created automatically, but they are not deleted automatically. The objects are not deleted to automatically to avoid serious operational problems. E.g. suppose that connector JAR file is accidentally deleted during midPoint upgrade. If the connector definition is deleted and automatically re-created then the OID of the connector definition will change. That will break all the connector references. Therefore, we have decided not to delete the connector objects automatically and leave that task to an explicit action of system administrator.

Also, the situation is complicated by remote connectors. These may not be available during midPoint start-up. And for remote connectors there is also explicit relation to the connector host (ConnectorHostType) that the connector definition must maintain.

Connector Reference

Each resource definition (ResourceType) must point to a connector that it is supposed to use. This is a simple case of a connectorRef reference:

Connector reference (fixed OID)
<resource oid="ab6b433a-b46b-11e5-9428-e76a2b1ec1a0">
   <name>Dummy Resource</name>
   <connectorRef oid="2dee34c1-5a1b-4c53-bbb2-7dd5d8f45533" type="c:ConnectorType"/>

This reference simply points to a connector definition (ConnectorType) that has an OID 2dee34c1-5a1b-4c53-bbb2-7dd5d8f45533. This reference must point to an existing and valid connector definition. This is the place that needs to be changed during Connector Upgrade.

As connector objects are created automatically, it is not possible to predict the OIDs of the connector definitions. Therefore, if you are maintaining the resource definition files outside midPoint (e.g. in a version control system), then the best way is to use search filter instead of a fixed OID. Like this:

Connector reference (fixed OID)
<resource oid="ab6b433a-b46b-11e5-9428-e76a2b1ec1a0">
   <name>Dummy Resource</name>
           <q:text>connectorType = "com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector"</q:text>

The search filter will be executed when this resource definition is imported, and it will be replaced by a fixed OID.

Reference search filter execution

The search filter in the reference is executed only once: when the object is imported. Then a fixed OID is placed in the reference and such OID is used instead of the filter. This happens because of the performance but also as a consequence of midPoint architecture. All links between midPoint objects are based on OIDs, so they will remain valid if the objects are renamed or modified. This is usually what you want for most objects. But for the connectors there is an important consequence: if a connector is upgraded, new connector definition is created for the new connector version. This definition will have new OID. As the search filter in the reference is not executed for objects that are already stored in the repository the connectorRef references in resource definitions need to be manually updated after connector upgrade.

Remote Connectors

Some connectors are not deployed directly in midPoint instance. Such connectors are running in a dedicated connector server, making them remote connectors.

Please see Connector Server page for the details.

Upgrade Procedure

Please see Connector Upgrade page.

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