XML/JSON/YAML vs. XNode vs. internal data

Last modified 21 Oct 2021 11:23 +02:00


Here are some notes about how are internal data represented as XNode trees and in external forms (XML/JSON/YAML).

Prism objects

XML representation:

<user oid="c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-111111111111" version="42" ... >
    <description>This must be the best pirate the world has ever seen</description>

JSON representation:

  "@ns" : "...",			(optional - required only in case of ambiguity)
  "user" : {
    "oid" : "c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-111111111111",
    "version" : "42",
    "name" : "jack",
    "description" : "This must be the best pirate the world has ever seen",

YAML representation:

'@ns': "..."				(optional - required only in case of ambiguity)
  oid: "c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-111111111111"
  version: "42"
  name: "jack"
  description: "This must be the best pirate the world has ever seen"

XNode tree:

ROOT {...}user
    oid =>
      parser ValueParser(DOMa, oid: c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-111111111111)
    version =>
      parser ValueParser(DOMa, version: 42)
    {...}name =>
      parser ValueParser(DOMe, {...}name: jack)
    {...}description =>
      parser ValueParser(DOMe, {...}description: This must be the best pirate the world has ever seen)

In this case, the rootElementName of the RootXNode determines the type of the object: UserType.

When parsing XNode tree, the alternative is to provide a MapXNode with a* typeQName *defined:

( type={...}UserType
  oid =>
    parser ValueParser(DOMa, oid: c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-111111111111)
  version =>
    parser ValueParser(DOMa, version: 42)
  {...}name =>
    parser ValueParser(DOMe, {...}name: jack)
  {...}description =>
    parser ValueParser(DOMe, {...}description: This must be the best pirate the world has ever seen)

Prism containers

Here the situation is a bit more complicated, because a container can be multi-valued.

The following example shows a two-valued container (assignment) stored in a parent container (user, not shown).

XML representation:

    <assignment id="1111">
        <description>Assignment 1</description>

    <assignment id="1112">
        <description>Assignment 2</description>
            <howto>Just do it</howto>

JSON representation:

    "assignment" : [ {
      "id" : 1111,
      "description" : "Assignment 1"
    }, {
      "id" : 1112,
      "description" : "Assignment 2",
      "accountConstruction" : {
        "howto" : "Just do it",
        "when" : 1330080532000
    } ]

YAML representation:

  - id: 1111
    description: "Assignment 1"
  - id: 1112
    description: "Assignment 2"
      howto: "Just do it"
      when: 1330080532000

XNode tree:

    {...}assignment =>
          id =>
            parser ValueParser(DOMa, id: 1111)
          {...}description =>
            parser ValueParser(DOMe, {...}description: Assignment 1)
          id =>
            parser ValueParser(DOMa, id: 1112)
          {...}description =>
            parser ValueParser(DOMe, {...}description: Assignment 2)
          {...}accountConstruction =>
              {...}howto =>
                parser ValueParser(DOMe, {...}howto: Just do it)
              {...}when =>
                parser ValueParser(DOMe, {...}when: 2012-02-24T10:48:52.000Z)

XNode is represented here by a map entry, having a key (assignment) and a value (a list XNode).

Alternatively, a container can be parsed from a root XNode (taking its name as a container element name):

ROOT {...}assignment
   		 ...value #1...
   		 ...value #2...

The third alternative is to parse container from a MapXNode, but in this case it must have a TypeQName specified or the container definition must be known from the outside.

So, the definition of the currently parsed container is taken from (in this order):

  1. a parameter passed from the outside,

  2. the type information specified in the XNode,

  3. the element name specified in the root XNode.

Prism properties

Knowing property definition, prism property can be parsed from almost any kind of XNode.

XNode type Processing


Create a property without value.


Create a property with a list of values.


Create a (structured) property with one value.


Create a property with one value.


Special case: create a SchemaDefinitionType.


(currently not supported, but could be treated like the other types, accepting the name of the property)


<description>This must be the best pirate the world has ever seen</description>

⇒ XNode:

parser ValueParser(DOMe, {...}description: This must be the best pirate the world has ever seen)
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