Lifecycle Design Notes

Last modified 15 Nov 2022 14:44 +01:00

Lifecycle State

Lifecycle state (lifecycleState) property represents business lifecycle of an object. Being a business lifecycle, it is supposed to have a meaning for (human) users of midPoint. It specifies lifecycle of an object how it transitions through various phases of business processes.

E.g. it may represent state of the user in a user registration process, being unverified (draft or proposed), then activated after verification.

E.g. it may represent role engineering and maintenance process, role being designed (draft), submitted for review (proposed) and approved for use (active).

As a business lifecycle, midPoint should not modify lifecycle state by itself, especially not as a side-effect of various processes. MidPoint can change lifecycle state only in case than an object transitions between stages of a business process. E.g. midPoint can change lifecycle state when a registered user is verified. MidPoint can also expire (delete) an archived role/user after some expiration period, but that has to be part of a lifecycle policy definition. MidPoint should not change the lifecycle state as a side effect of other tasks, e.g. midPoint should not change lifecycle state as a result of a simulation run.

Shadow Lifecycle State

Lifecycle state (lifecycleState) property stored in shadow object represents business state of the object that the shadow represents on resource, which is usually an account. The lifecycleState property does not represent the technical state of the shadow itself. There are other properties that can be used to determine state of the shadow (e.g. pending operations).

Shadows are managed internally by midPoint, their state changes quite often. Shadow reflects a state of the outside world, usually heavily influenced by state of the network, database content on external resources and so on. We do not want such volatile and often unpredictable changes to interfere with business state of the accounts.

Lifecycle State and Object Modification

Lifecycle states are often used to create an object. E.g. user self-registration will use lifecycle states to track progress of user through a registration process. Role engineering would use draft and proposed states to create new roles in the system in an orderly and controlled way. In this scenario the role would be created in draft state. It can be modified as many times as needed, until the definition is correct. It is then transitioned to proposed state, and submitted for approval. Technically, the change being approved is a change of lifecycleState property from proposed to active.

Similarly, deprecated and archived states may be used to decommission (delete) an object in a gradual and safe way.

However, there is no such simple way to control the process of modification of an active object, e.g. maintenance of an active role. An active object cannot be deactivated and modified. Therefore, different strategy is required here. We would use Case objects to store proposed deltas for active objects. The Case can live for a relatively long time, it can be shared between users, it can store deltas for several objects, it can be a base for simulations and so on. The Case would be an envelope for the proposed change. Once reviewed and approved, the Case can be closed, and the deltas applied to all active objects.

In fact, the Case can be useful even in the creation and decommissioning cases, e.g. in case that several roles need to created or decommissioned together. The Case object can encapsulate state changes of all the roles, making sure they are considered together as an atomic group.


The lifecycleState is, and also it is not useful for simulations.

The lifecycleState can be used to mark parts of configuration or policy that will be simulated. E.g. objectType definitions in a resource may have lifecycleState property, where the proposed lifecycle state may mean that the object type definition will be simulated, yet it will not be applied in production. Similarly deprecated lifecycle state may mean that the definition is applied in production, but it is ignored by simulation.

However, we do not want simulation to change lifecycleState. E.g. we do not want simulation to create shadows or create-on-demand objects with lifecycleState=proposed. A separate property (or other mechanism) is needed for this purpose.


deprecated: applied in production, but ignored by simulation. Do we really want this? We may need to live with deprecated configurations for long time. E.g. there may be deprecated roles, which we do not want to assign to anyone. But we want deprecated roles to work for users that have them assigned, and we may want this to take effect in simulations. Do we need to split to deprecated and decommissioning states?

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