Export mining

Last modified 19 Feb 2025 13:31 +01:00
Role mining export is an anonymized export of relationships between roles, users, and organizations. The goal of the export is to obtain a map of relations between objects, which could be helpful in the development of new features such as "Role mining". For detailed information regarding role mining export, please refer to the Anonymous Export of Role Mining Data.
Example: role mining export to a zipped file, overwriting any existing file. SEQUENTIAL name mode and ADVANCED security by default. For exporting in JSON format, rename the exported file extension to -o role-mining-export.json.
ninja.sh export-mining -o role-mining-export.xml.zip -z -O
java -jar ninja.jar -m <midpoint.home> export-mining -o role-mining-export.xml.zip -z -O
Example: role mining export using ENCRYPTED name mode and STANDARD security.
ninja.sh export-mining -o role-mining-export.xml.zip -z -O -nm ENCRYPTED -s STANDARD
Example: role mining export using an Axiom filter for roles.
ninja.sh export-mining -o role-mining-export.xml -fr '% name != "Superuser"'
Example: role mining export using ORIGINAL name mode, identifiers Application and Business role prefixes/suffixes and specific archetypes oids.
ninja.sh export-mining -o role-mining-export.xml  -nm ORIGINAL -arp "APP_ROLE_, AR-" -ars "_Apr" -brp "BUS_ROLE_" -brs "_BR" --business-role-archetype-oid "e9c4654e-c146-4b5f-8336-2065c65060df" --application-role-archetype-oid "52b8361a-c955-4132-97a4-77ff3820beeb"
Example: role mining export with disable organization structure export.
ninja.sh export-mining -o role-mining-export.xml --disable-org
Example: role mining export without attributes.
ninja.sh export-mining -o role-mining-export.xml --disable-attribute
Example: role mining export with full attribute anonymization (including attribute names and ordinal values)
ninja.sh export-mining -o role-mining-export.xml --anonymize-attribute-names --anonymize-ordinal-attribute-values
Example: role mining export with attribute values anonymization while excluding specific user attributes.
ninja.sh export-mining -o role-mining-export.xml --exclude-user-attribute="attribute_name_x, attribute_name_y"
Example: role mining import.
java -jar ninja.jar -m <midpoint.home> import -O -i <path_to_imported_file> -l 4 -r
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