Thoughts Regarding Use of AI and ML in MidPoint

Last modified 15 Nov 2022 10:54 +01:00

This page summarizes thoughs about use of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and recommender systems in future midPoint development.

Role Mining

Priority: high

MidPoint heavily relies on roles to manage privileges assigned to users. However, creation and maintenance of role definitions is a very demanding task. There may be thousands of roles in a particular system. In fact, it is not unusual for a system to have more roles than it has users.

The idea of role mining is to determine ("mine") role definitions from existing data. For example, role mining process should detect a combination of privileges that are frequently assigned to a user together. The "miner" should suggest that a role should be created from such set of privileges.

We can assume that we have a database of existing low-level privileges for each user (e.g. Active Directory group membership, membership in Wiki spaces, privileges in indivudual projects, etc.)


The "miner" detects that Active Directory groups wiki-public-reader, library-access, guest-facilities-access and self-service are almost always assigned together. The "miner" should suggest that a business role should be created from such privileges.


  • A set of frequently-assigned privileges may in fact represent several roles. E.g. in the example above, the privileges may in fact represent two roles: Public access (containing wiki-public-reader and self-service) which is assigned to all registered users; and Registered guest (containing library-access and guest-facilities-access) assigned to users that have explicitly registered for physical access to the facilities.

  • The data may not be accurate. E.g. there may be users that do not have self-service privilege assigned, but they should have it. This may deform the results, e.g. if large amount of population does not have self-service assigned, this privilege probably would not be part of role recommendation. On the other hand, an ideal system would realize that the data are wrong, that there is a class of users that should have self-service assigned and include this privilege in role suggestion. Which means that creation of the suggested role may result in assignment of more privileges to more users as compared to the original system state.

  • The results may depend on non-privilege aspects of the users. For example, role suggestions may depend on organizational structure or user types. The "miner" may take into consideration whether the users are internal employees or external collaborators, suggesting slightly different roles for each user type.

  • Extension: the "miner" might be able to suggest role auto-assignment rule, in addition to suggesting a role. E.g. the "miner" could suggest that Public access role is created, and that it is automatically assigned to all self-registered users (as indicated by the origin user property).

  • Roles can be hierarchical. Business roles contain application roles, but they can contain other business roles or technical roles. Ideally, the "miner" should take into consideration existing roles. E.g. if wiki-public-reader and self-service privileges are already part of Public access role, the "miner" should suggest to create a new Common user role that includes existing Public access role, adding library-access and guest-facilities-access privileges.

  • Nice to have: Role naming. There are only two hard problems in computer science. It would be nice if the "miner" could suggest suitable name for new role.

Outlier Detection

Goal of the outlier detection mechanism is to detect users that have significantly different privileges from their peers.


Alice, Bob, Carol and Mallory all work in marketing department. While Alice, Bob and Carol have mostly similar privileges (roles, group membership, etc.), privileges of Mallory and quite different. Mallory was assigned to marketing department quite recently. He still has a large set of privileges from his previous assignment in engineering department, privileges that were not revoked by mistake. We want the outlier detection mechanism to issue a warning that Mallory’s privileges do not fit the usual set of privileges for a marketing department.


  • How do we know who are user’s peers? This may be easy for a formal organizational structure (divisions, departments, etc.) However, there are also projects, research groups, multiple academic affiliations, etc.

  • This may work both ways: detecting users that have privileges too high for their group (over-provisioned users), and detecting user that do not have enough privileges (under-provisioned users).


  • This may also work for roles. E.g. detect an application roles that is different from other application roles. All application roles usually have privileges related to one application, which usually means one identity resource. We would like to detect a role that is classified as application role, but which contains privileges from several identity resources.

Role Request Recommendations

Some roles are automatically assigned, based on role auto-assignment rules. However, this does not work for all roles. For most roles, there is nobody in an organization that can reliably define the rules who needs which roles. Therefore, users are requesting assignment of roles, and there are persons that review the request and approve/deny it.

However, users are often not sure which roles they should request. There are role catalogs: complex things which are difficult to navigate. Therefore users usually request roles that their colleagues already have ("just give me the same roles that John has").

We can perhaps make this easier. We could suggest the roles that a user might need, based on user’s organizational structure membership, membership in projects and so on.


  • We could also suggest creating a new business role, based on content of user’s requests. E.g. if Mary insists on having the same privileges as John, we can create a business role for that privilege set, and assign that business role both to Mary and John. However, would that combination be meaningful? Do we always want to do this? Are there other users with the same combination? How to name that role? This looks like some ad-hoc-micro-role-mining.

Approval Assistance

We have this request-and-approval process for assigning roles to users.

However, there are many role requests, and only few reviewers/approvers. Many requests are repetitive. Approval of role requests is a menial task. Can we make this easier for approvers? Can we suggest that this is a usual request, and it should be approved without too much scrutiny? Can we warn approver that this is a very unusual request, and it has to be closely reviewed? Can we even make some decisions automatically, without waiting for an approver?


  • Automatic decisions are very questionable. The approval process is there for a reason, the reason being that nobody can specify exact rule, therefore each request should be considered individually.

    Should this mechanism take a different form? E.g. look for patterns in approval decisions, and suggest new role auto-assignment rules?

Certification Assistance

Users are requesting access privileges, the requests are approved. Then users are requesting more privileges, which are also approved. This, quite obviously, leads to privilege hoarding. Users are getting new privileges, while still keeping old privileges. Access is granted, never revoked, and the overall security risk grows and grows.

Access certification mechanisms is designed as a counter-balance. The principle of access certification is (usually) a regular review of existing user privileges. The privileges need to be certified during the review, confirming that user still needs them.

However, this process is even more painful that access-and-approval process. There are thousands upon thousands of privileges assigned in the system, and most of them need to be certified and re-certified.

Can we somehow make this less painful? Can we tell the difference between usual privilege (which we should certify without any need thought) and unusual privilege? We should somehow consider risk level of the privilege. Could we perhaps make some decisions automatically? E.g. skip certification of this privilege for now, but make sure we have a closer look at it next year?


  • Making automatic certification decisions is questionable. The entire purpose of certification is to make sure a human reviews the privileges and makes a decision. If we could do automatic certification decisions, we would not need certification at all. We would just remove the privilege at any opportune moment, e.g. during regular recompute cycles (which may be an idea worth exploring).

    However, should "AI-driven" certification take a different form? E.g. look for patterns in approval decisions, suggest adjustments in certification policies (e.g. longer/shorter intervals between campaigns, risk thresholds, etc.) Or perhaps making this more like a recommender, highlighting the privileges that are likely to be excessive?


Users have many accounts in many systems, which is usually quite a mess. Primary job of identity management system is to clean things up, to find order and bring visibility. One of the most important mechanism helping with that task is identity correlation. Simply speaking, identity correlation is used to find out all the accounts that belong to a particular user. Or in other words: it finds identities that represent the same physical person.

Traditionally, identity correlation is implemented in identity management systems by using simple deterministic correlation expressions and queries. Quite recently there is Smart Correlation functionality that employs several methods, including some probabilistic techniques. However, the correlation is not really "smart" yet. It just follows the rules set up by an administrator.

The process usually goes like this:

  1. Engineer looks at the data sets, and determines that there is some kind of correlation identifier. Usually an employee number, or a username based on user’s surname.

  2. Engineer sets up a correlation rule, matching identities based on the correlation identifier.

  3. Some identities are matched, other are not.

  4. Engineer adjusts the rules and tries again. And again.

  5. Then there are identities that cannot be correlated by rules, e.g. no employee number, username based on maiden name, ad-hoc usernames (e.g. tiger3) and so on. Engineer iterates through uncorrelated identities, trying to figure out which identity matches with which account. We call this manual correlation.

Could we use AI/ML or recommenders to make correlation easier? Obvious solution would be to use a recommender to make manual correlation easier, e.g. recommending potential matches, learning from previous confirmed or refused matches.

How can we improve this? Can we use already linked identities to help us link new accounts? Can "the machine" even recommend correlation rules, when looking at the data? E.g. "hey look, your username is a combination of firstname and lastname, as in `jsmith`"?

Mapping Suggestions

Priority: low

Identity management systems are trying to clean up the identity mess. One of the mechanisms is data synchronization. Identity management systems are trying to keep all copies of identity data (known as accounts) synchronized, in all the systems that a person has an account. However, every system is a bit different. Some systems require human-readable usernames (jsmith), other use employee numbers (X12345), yet another use UUIDs, some of them accept intenrational characters in user full names and others do not, some of them have one field for full name, others have several separate fields (given name, family name, middle name, honorific titles). Identity management systems are using mappings to copy and transform and synchronize the data.

Could "the machine" discover and suggest the data mappings and transformations? Could it suggest which attribute should be mapped to which property (using which transform), based on existing data sets. E.g. could it discover that Active Directory username is a combination of first character from given name and complete surname (jsmith)? Could it discover that the cn LDAP attribute contains a full name of a person?

This is obviously related to identity correlation. If we can get the mappings, we can use them to correlate identity. However, isn’t this some kind of chicken-egg problem?

Challenges and Questions

Danger: Artificial Stupidity

Existing privilege assignments are almost certainly wrong (over-provisioned). Current practices are similar (pressure to add privileges, little motivation to remove them). How do we make sure that this does not introduce a bias to "the machine"? How do we make sure that the machine will not repeat the mistakes that administrators are already doing?

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