Concepts in approvals, certification, and remediation
TODO some introduction here; see also Approvals terminology.
Relevant for midPoint 3.6. Work in progress. |
Generic concept | Concept in approvals | Represented by | Concept in certification | Represented by | Concept in case management | Represented by |
Basic unit of processing |
Approval process |
TaskType with workflowContext |
Certification case |
AccessCertificationCaseType |
Case |
CaseType |
Description |
This is about approving an elementary change (that is to be executed), e.g. assignment of a role. |
This is about approving a single fact (that was found), e.g. existence of an assignment of a role. |
This is about sorting out a single issue, e.g. non-existence of an org manager, or a need to manually create an account somewhere. |
Grouped into |
Operation |
parent TaskType with workflowContext |
Certification campaign |
AccessCertificationCampaignType |
None: case is the root entity. |
Description |
It could contain any number of elementary changes requiring approval (along with other changes that could be directly executed). |
Campaign is a set of cases being processed at once. A campaign can be a standard or ad-hoc one. |
N/A |
Consisting of |
Approval stages (originally called "levels") |
stageNumber (stageCount, stageName, stageDisplayName) |
Certification campaign stages |
stageNumber, stage |
Description |
Defines a set of approvers. For each approver, a work item is created. |
Defines a set of reviewers. For each reviewer, a work item is created. |
Stage result |
approved, rejected, silently skipped |
ApprovalLevelOutcomeType |
accept, revoke, reduce, notDecided, delegate, noResponse |
AccessCertificationResponseType - TODO not all responses are relevant as stage outcome - consider e.g. delegate |
Stage result computation |
allMustApprove, firstDecides |
level.evaluationStrategy |
oneAcceptAccepts, oneDenyDenies, acceptedIfNotDenied, allMustAccept |
AccessCertificationCaseOutcomeStrategyType (campaign.stage.outcomeStrategy) |
Overall result computation |
approved if all the levels are either approved or skipped; otherwise rejected |
N/A |
oneAcceptAccepts, oneDenyDenies, acceptedIfNotDenied, allMustAccept |
AccessCertificationCaseOutcomeStrategyType (campaign.reviewStrategy.outcomeStrategy) |
Process stop condition |
on first stage finished with rejection |
N/A |
on defined stage results |
campaign.stage.stopReviewOn/advanceToNextStageOn, campaign.reviewStrategy.stopReviewOn/advanceToNextStageOn, or given by the stage outcome strategy |
Precomputation of the stage result |
It is possible to set "automatically approved" or "automatically completed" expressions. (The former is deprecated.) |
level.automaticallyApproved, level.automaticallyCompleted |
N/ABut can be simulated using reviewerSpecification and "outcome if no reviewers". |
N/A |
Outcome if no actors |
any stage result |
level.outcomeIfNoApprovers |
any stage result |
stageDefinition.outcomeIfNoReviewers |
Basic unit of user action |
(Workflow) work item |
Activiti task, WorkItemType (WfContextType.workItem) |
(Certification) work item |
AccessCertificationWorkItemType |
Actors expected to take action |
assignees (actors) |
task.assignee and identity links (type=midpointAssignee), |
reviewers |
workItem.reviewerRef |
candidate assignees (candidate actors) |
task.candidateUsers, task.candidateGroups |
N/A |
N/A |
Original actor |
original assignee |
WorkItemType.originalAssigneeRef (0..1) |
original reviewer |
workItem.originalReviewerRef |
Actors definition |
in the stage definition (collected from policy rules or from roles) |
approvalLevel.approverRef, approverRelation, approverExpression - put into assigneeRef if users; and into candidateRef if abstract roles (unless groupExpansion is onWorkItemCreation; in that case roles are expanded into approverRef users on work item creation). |
in the stage definition (as present in campaign definition or campaign itself) |
stageDefinition.reviewerSpecificationuseTargetOwner, useTargetApprover, useObjectOwner, useObjectApprover, useObjectManager, reviewerExpression, defaultReviewerRef, additionalReviewerRef |
Deadlines and timing |
Set for work item |
Set for campaign stage |
stage.deadline |
Group opening time |
Currently not available. Could be derived from "case opening time", because all "cases" (approval process instances) are created at the same time. |
Available for campaign. |
campaign.start |
Group closure time |
Currently not directly available. It could be maybe derived from root task execution information; but this might differ between "execute after all approvals" and "execute immediately". |
Available for campaign. |
campaign.end |
Group deadline |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Case opening time |
Available in workflow context (and in all its work items). |
task.workflowContext.startTimestamp |
Individual cases are bound to the owning campaign.
Therefore, their opening and closure times are the same the ones for the campaign; and they are stored within the campaign. |
Case closure time |
Available in workflow context |
task.workflowContext.endTimestamp |
Case deadline |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Stage opening time |
The same as work item creation time (see below). |
N/A |
In the stage execution information. |
campaign.stage.start |
Stage closure time |
Currently not directly available; only by looking at opening time for the next stage or the whole process. |
TODO use WfStageCompletionEventType.timestamp (currently available only for automated stage completion events) |
In the stage execution information. |
campaign.stage.end |
Stage deadline |
Not directly available. Can be derived from work items' deadlines. |
N/A |
In the stage execution information. |
campaign.stage.deadline |
Stage deadline definition |
The duration specified in approval level definition applies to all work items created for that level. However, for individual work items it can be postponed by delegation or escalation. |
level.duration |
In the stage definition. |
campaign.stageDefinition.duration and deadlineRounding (none, hour, day) |
Work item creation time |
Available in a work item. |
activiti task.createTime, workItem.workItemCreatedTimestamp |
The same as stage opening time. |
campaign.stage.start |
Work item completion time |
Not available directly on work item, because work item is deleted at the moment of its completion. But can be retrieved from events list. |
WorkItemCompletionEventType.timestamp |
Available in a work item. |
workItem.closedTimestamp |
Work item deadline |
Available in a work item. |
activiti task.dueDate, workItem.deadline |
Work item deadline definition |
The duration specified in approval level definition applies to all work items created for that level. However, for individual work items it can be postponed by delegation or escalation. |
level.duration, delegationAction.duration |
Escalation |
Set for work item |
Set for campaign stage ? (TODO) |
Escalation info |
Present in work item (both activiti and JAXB); but also in event list in workflow context. |
task variables (present in workItem as well): escalationLevelNumber, escalationLevelName, escalationLevelDisplayNamealso in WorkItemEscalationEventType |
Escalation definition |
Using timed actions defined for approval stage (level). |
Cases in different contexts
Approval process (WfContextType) | Certification case (AccessCertificationCaseType) | Generic case (CaseType) | TODO |
processInstanceName |
state (URI) |
startTimestamp |
^ startTimestamp |
endTimestamp |
^ endTimestamp |
closeTimestamp |
Consider correct names. |
currentStageCreateTimestamp |
currentStageDeadline |
requesterRef |
objectRef |
objectRef |
targetRef |
targetRef |
tenantRef |
orgRef |
activation |
not sure if it’s really needed |
rootTaskRef |
not used but keep it (for the future, maybe) |
stageNumber |
stageNumber |
outcome (URI) |
outcome (URI) |
outcome (URI) |
changeProcessor, processInterface |
^ handlerUri |
processorSpecificState |
assignment, isInducement |
processSpecificState |
^ stageDefinition, ^ reviewStrategy |
event |
event |
event |
workItem |
workItem |
workItem |
processInstanceId (externalId) |
processName |
currentStageOutcome (URI) |
keep it (useful e.g. for statistics) |
remediedTimestamp |
start (time of opening the first stage) |
end |
stageNumber |
handlerUri |
scopeDefinition, remediationDefinition, stageDefinition, reviewStrategy |
stage |
definitionRef |
ownerRef |
state |
Work items in different contexts
AbstractWorkItemType | Approval work item | Certification work item | Case work item | TODO | Comment |
name |
name |
X |
createTimestamp |
createTimestamp |
X (^currentStageCreateTimestamp) |
deadline |
deadline |
X (^currentStageDeadline) |
originalAssigneeRef |
originalAssigneeRef |
originalAssigneeRef |
originalAssigneeRef |
assigneeRef |
assigneeRef |
assigneeRef |
assigneeRef |
candidateRef |
candidateRef |
X |
X |
executorRef |
executorRef |
executorRef |
executorRef |
output (outcome + comment) |
output that includes additionalDelta |
output |
output |
completeTimestamp |
X |
completeTimestamp |
completeTimestamp |
stageNumber |
stageNumber |
stageNumber |
X |
escalationLevel (number, name, displayName) |
escalationLevel |
escalationLevel |
X |
outputChangeTimestamp |
additionalInformation |
processSpecificPart |
Currently empty. |
externalId |
X means "present but not used now"; ^name means "for this purpose, item named 'name' from the owning entity is used"
Item | CaseCreation | CaseCompletion | StageCompletion | WorkItemDelegation | WorkItemEscalation | WorkItemCompletion | TODO |
timestamp |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
initiatorRef |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
stageNumber |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
outcome |
why not? |
Y |
automatedDecisionReason |
Y |
migrate to URI? |
businessContext |
Y |
workItemId / externalWorkItemId |
Y |
Y |
Y |
current escalation level info (#, name, displayName) |
Y |
Y |
Y |
originalAssigneeRef |
Y |
Y |
Y |
cause (type = userAction/timedAction; name, displayName) |
Y |
Y |
Y |
migrate to URI for cause type? |
assigneeBefore, delegatedTo (TODO: assigneeAfter) |
Y |
Y |
delegationMethod |
Y |
Y |
migrate to URI? |
new escalation level info (#, name, displayName) |
Y |
output |
Y |
migrate enums to URIs (automatedDecisionReason), delegationMethod, cause type, outcome computation strategies (cert/approval), use of outcomes (cert/approval) in definitions and internal structures, …
historic work items for approvals
create events: StageCreationEventType, WorkItemCreationEventType
Stage definitions
Item | Approvals (ApprovalStageDefinitionType) | Certification (AccessCertificationStageDefinitionType) | TODO |
number (1..N) |
number |
number |
name |
name |
displayName |
description |
description |
evaluationStrategy (firstDecides, allMustApprove) |
outcomeStrategy, stopReviewOn, advanceToNextStageOn |
migrate to URIs (not necessarily now) |
outcomeIfNoApprovers (approve, reject, skip) |
outcomeIfNoReviewers |
migrate to URIs (not necessarily now) |
groupExpansion |
formRef |
additionalInformation |
automaticallyCompleted (was automaticallyApproved) |
duration |
duration (deadlineRounding) |
notifyBeforeDeadline, notifyOnlyWhenNoDecision |
timedActions |
timedActions |
Approver/Reviewer specifications
Item | Approvals (ApprovalStageDefinitionType) | Certification (AccessCertificationReviewerSpecificationType) |
name |
description |
approverRef |
additionalReviewerRef |
approverRelation (related to target) |
useTargetOwner, useTargetApprover (uses both "ownerRef/approverRef" fields and "org:owner/org:approver" relations) |
(currently available only by expression) |
useObjectOwner, useObjectApprover (similar to above) |
(currently available only by expression) |
useObjectManager (orgType, allowSelf) |
approverExpression |
reviewerExpression |
defaultReviewerRef |