Content assistant of Axiom Query language

Last modified 19 Mar 2025 23:52 +01:00

The Content assistant is new feature of PRISM framework. Content assistant provides services for working with Axiom Query Language. Services such as semantic validation of language and automatic code completion are currently implemented. The Content Assistant was designed to be easily scalable, allowing for the implementation of new services to enhance work with language in Midpoint web application and Midpoint studio also.

Concept of solution

Content assistant with the help of the ANTLR4 framework for code analysis and processing provides semantic validation and code completion for midpoint query language. Semantic analysis of the language is performed after syntax analysis. For semantic analysis, a visitor (AxiomQueryContentAssistantVisitor) was created, which performs semantic validation of the input code fragment and processes the cursor position by traversing the abstract syntax tree (AST). The semantics of the language is partially implemented in the visitor. While traversing the AST, values for code completion in the place of the cursor position are collected. The described solution concept is shown in the diagram and individual aspects of the content assistant are described below. The diagram effectively demonstrates the architecture of content assistant.

Concept diagram

Semantic validation

The Visitor Pattern is a behavioral design pattern used to separate algorithms from the objects they operate on. In the context of ANTLR4, it allows you to traverse a parse tree and perform actions depending on the type of node encountered. This is particularly useful for interpreting or evaluating expressions, performing semantic validation, or translating DSLs into executable code.

Visitor AxiomQueryContentAssistantVisitor implementations semantics validation of Axiom Query language.Validation takes place by traversing the analysis tree, and at each node a check of the semantic rules of the input query is performed. This control of individual nodes of tree is implemented in the corresponding visit() methods.

The definition of PRISM is very important for semantics validation of axiom query language. Item definition can be updated several times during tree traversal. The initial definition is the input parameter rootItemDefinition of the constructor AxiomQueryContentAssistantVisitor, which is provided by the schemaContext annotation from schema. Previous definitions will also be needed to validation some concepts of language, therefore it cannot overwrite the definition, because of that it’s necessary to save each changed definition. Definitions do save to table hash itemDefinitions of type HashMap<ParseTree, Definition> in the subchapter below, is shown the mapping of the item definition based on the abstract syntactic tree (AST).

Unsuccessful validation of the semantic rule is recorded in the errorList, which is later provided to the visitor as a result of the semantic validation

Item definitions mapping by AST

When the semantic validation of concepts such as path, filterName, filterNameAlias ​​or subfilterOrValue needs to be performed on the basis of a correct definition, it is not possible to update the definition by rewriting. It is necessary to store a definition for each key concept of the language. The current key concepts of the language are root, filter and itemFilter.

Definitions are stored in a hash table using an AST for basic language concepts. The definition of an item is looked up in the schema based on context.

Code completions

Code completion is the second service provided by the content assistant for Axiom Query Language. There are two ways to solve code completion with antlr4.

  • Visitor Pattern

    • Code completions can be solved using the transition of the provided code, and proposals are generated based on a set of conditions that determine the next code completion. This method is easier to implement but has many negatives:

      • mechanical set condition that determines the following completion of the code.

      • complicate scaling when changing the grammar of the language or expanding the language

      • with the complexity of the language, the performance decreases and the complexity of implementation is increasing

  • ATN (Augmented Transition Networks) - state machine simulation ANTLR provide ATN network from version 4. ANTLR4 whit ATN provides the option to simulate a state machine.

    • simple scalability in the case of editing the grammar or expanding the language, it is not necessary to intervene in the implementation. Code completions will also work with new language edits in most cases. Dull implementation changes code completions depend on language modifications.

    • higher level of clean and quality code

      • complicate implementation

Correct localization of the cursor is an essential part of code completions. The input parameter postiion curtor specifies the number of characters after which code completions are called. Based on the number of the cursor position, a node is searched for in the analysis tree, which contains a branch that exactly corresponds to the cursor position. This node is represented with a PositonContext data structure. PositionContex contains two parameters first node from parse tree and index which present branch in the node. Invoke state is obtained based on the position context. From Invoke state stated searching expected tokens in ATN network. During the transition, the rules are also recorded, which later correspond to the found token.

Expected tokens are searched for in 2 phases, in the first phase, superior language concepts such as root and filter are processed, and next, low level language concepts such as itemFILter are processed. It is not correct to use AST and nice functions that ANTLR4 provides us for working with the tree because we have to rely on the position of the cursor and not that the code ends at the position of the cursor. Because we need the context of the left and right side of the cursor for correctly searching for the definition in the scheme. The definitions are used from the table hash itemDefifnition after semantic validation, but in some cases it is necessary to find a better definition with better of the context from the right side of the code from the cursor.

In case the processed code is incomplete or incorrect from the point of view of syntax, we need to obtain an analysis tree. In this case, challenge the default antlr error strategy, which continues the analysis despite syntax errors. Then we have access to the analysis tree and can identify the node in which the syntax error is located.

After all epected tokens have been found, tokens are modified with semantic rules in the generateSugestion method. Semantic rules must also be taken into account in searching the ATN network. Then the method returns a generated suggestion of code completions from cursor position.


  • Code completions for

    • complications filter queries

    • named placeholder

    • script

Integration Content assist

Content assistant is currently integrated in the plugin of Intellij IDEA Midpoint studio and Midpoint web application (search panel and query playground).

Semantic validation runs automatically and provides quick responses with underlined code and error messages. Validation return list of semantic and sytantic errors together.

Use case of code completion

Item Path

  • code completions of basic path property in the root context (can you see matching entered fragment with suggestions and sorting by entered fragment code)

code completions for Item Path

  • code completions of metadata path

code completions for Item Path

  • code completions of dereference path

code completions for Item Path

  • code completions by position cursor in item path. Code completions running in the place of cursor position by semantics context of entered query.

code completions for Item Path

Filter Name

  • code completion of filter name for property item definition

code completions for fitler name

  • code completion of filter name for complex item definition

code completions for fitler name

  • code completion of filter name for reference item definition

code completions for fitler name

  • code completion of filter alias

code completions for fitler name

  • code completion of filter name in the middle query

code completions for fitler name

Logical Filters

  • code completions of logical filters after complete item filter for branching of query

code completions for logical filter

  • code completions of logical filters in the branched complicated query

code completions for logical filter

Complicated Query

  • code completions of infra filter in the middle complicated query

code completions for complicated Query

  • code completions of infra filter in the uncompleted query

code completions for complicated Query

Code completions in browser Midpoint application

  • For a demonstration you can see in the image below what code completions look like in the Midpoint application. It works the same as Midpoint studio Intellij IDEA.

Search panel

code completions for fitler name

Query playground

code completions for fitler name

Invoke Code completions in Midpoint Studio

Code completion is triggered by set shortcut in Intellij IDEA for code completion, usually ⌃⇧␣ (macOS) or Ctrl+Shift+Space (Windows/Linux)

Can you change in the Intellij IDEA Settings | Editor | General | Code Completion

Invoke Code completions in Midpoint application

Code completion is triggered in browser Midpoint application ⌃⇧␣ (macOS) or Ctrl+Shift+Space (Windows/Linux)

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