How to display approval case (planned or real) execution

Last modified 22 Apr 2021 17:31 +02:00

This page explains how to use ApprovalSchemaExecutionInformationType structure to visualize planned or real approval case execution. It is relevant to midPoint 4.1 and later.

How to get the information

The information about planned or real approval case can be obtained by the following methods:

  1. modelInteractionService.previewChanges followed by modelContext.getHookPreviewResults(ApprovalSchemaExecutionInformationType.class) - when we are previewing changes that are to be done;

  2. workflowManager.getApprovalSchemaExecutionInformation(approvalCaseOid, task, result) - when we are trying to learn about history, current state and future of already existing approval case.

Both methods result in obtaining ApprovalSchemaExecutionInformationType structure. In the following we’ll explain how to interpret its content.

Past, current, and future stages

An approval case - either existing or anticipated - can have three kinds of stages:

  1. past (already executed) stages,

  2. current stage,

  3. future (anticipated) stages.


When obtaining necessary information about approvers and the evaluation strategy we look at:

State Approvers Evaluation strategy

Past (already executed) stages

caseRef/object/events (WorkItemCompletionEventType)

not important - we are interested simply in who approved what

Current stage

caseRef/object/events (WorkItemCompletionEventType) (for closed work items) and caseRef/object/workItem/approverRef (for open work items)


Future (anticipated) stages



An example

Let’s consider this simple three-stage approval process:

        <approverRef oid="feb34927-7671-401e-9f5b-8f7ec94f3112" type="UserType" /> <!-- Jane the Lab Owner -->
        <approverRef oid="072bf16a-e424-456c-a212-7996f34c3c5c" type="UserType" /> <!-- Martin the Dept Head -->
        <approverRef oid="408beff8-c988-4c77-ac5e-ed26697d6982" type="UserType" /> <!-- Peter the Dean -->
        <approverRef oid="4aab211b-5faf-45e2-acaf-a17a89d39fd1" type="UserType" /> <!-- Kate the Administrator -->

It is attached to the role of lab-manager. Imagine now that alice is being assigned this role.

Preview changes

During preview changes, the whole approval case is not yet existing: it is only anticipated. All three stages are therefore "future"; no real work items were created, and (obviously) no work items were completed.

State Stages

Past (already executed) stages


Current stage


Future (anticipated) stages

1, 2, 3

To obtain the information we need we have to call modelInteractionService.previewChanges and modelContext.getHookPreviewResults(ApprovalSchemaExecutionInformationType.class). We’ll get something like this:

<approvalSchemaExecutionInformationType ...>
    <caseRef relation="org:default" type="c:CaseType">
        <!-- Assigning role "lab-manager" to user "alice" -->
        <object> ... this is expected content of the case object ... </object>
        <definition> ... </definition>
            <expectedApproverRef oid="feb34927-7671-401e-9f5b-8f7ec94f3112" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
        <definition> ... </definition>
            <expectedApproverRef oid="072bf16a-e424-456c-a212-7996f34c3c5c" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
        <definition> ...
            <expectedApproverRef oid="408beff8-c988-4c77-ac5e-ed26697d6982" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <expectedApproverRef oid="4aab211b-5faf-45e2-acaf-a17a89d39fd1" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
    <policyRules> ... </policyRules>

We can obtain expected approvers information from the `stage/executionPreview/expectedApproverRef `values. We also need to know if "all must approve" or "first decides" strategy is used - and we know this from the respective stage definitions.

See also TestPreview.test100PurePreview in workflow-impl tests.

During case approval: initial state

Now let’s assume that the operation was really executed, so the approval case was created. On the very beginning the case is in stage 1: a work item for this stage exists, and work items for future stages 2 and 3 are anticipated.


State Stages

Past (already executed) stages


Current stage


Future (anticipated) stages

2, 3

The data structure is like this:

<approvalSchemaExecutionInformation ...>
    <caseRef oid="99f18330-b90d-4cd0-8bdd-c9ef18a0c1e4" relation="org:default" type="c:CaseType">
        <!-- Assigning role "lab-manager" to user "alice" -->
        <object oid="99f18330-b90d-4cd0-8bdd-c9ef18a0c1e4" version="2">
                <assigneeRef oid="feb34927-7671-401e-9f5b-8f7ec94f3112" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
        <definition> ... </definition>
        <definition> ... </definition>
            <expectedApproverRef oid="072bf16a-e424-456c-a212-7996f34c3c5c" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <expectedApproverRef oid="408beff8-c988-4c77-ac5e-ed26697d6982" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <expectedApproverRef oid="4aab211b-5faf-45e2-acaf-a17a89d39fd1" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>

Approvers for the current stage can be obtained from the embedded case:

  1. approvers for open work items by inspecting caseRef/object/workItem/approverRef,

  2. approvers for already closed work items

The approval strategy (allMustApprove/firstDecides) is present either in caseRef/object/approvalContext/approvalSchema/stage/evaluationStrategy or (even better) in stage/definition/evaluationStrategy.

See also TestPreview.test110InfoAfterStart in workflow-impl tests.

During case approval: a middle stage

Imagine that the first stage has been completed, e.g. by approving the work item under administrator user.

The situation is like this:

State Stages

Past (already executed) stages


Current stage


Future (anticipated) stages


The data structure is:

<approvalSchemaExecutionInformation ...>
    <caseRef oid="99f18330-b90d-4cd0-8bdd-c9ef18a0c1e4" relation="org:default" type="c:CaseType">
        <!-- Assigning role "lab-manager" to user "alice" -->
        <object oid="99f18330-b90d-4cd0-8bdd-c9ef18a0c1e4" version="3">
            <event ... xsi:type="c:WorkItemCompletionEventType">
                <initiatorRef oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <workItem id="6">
                <originalAssigneeRef oid="feb34927-7671-401e-9f5b-8f7ec94f3112" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
                <assigneeRef oid="feb34927-7671-401e-9f5b-8f7ec94f3112" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
                <performerRef oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <workItem id="7">
                <originalAssigneeRef oid="072bf16a-e424-456c-a212-7996f34c3c5c" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
                <assigneeRef oid="072bf16a-e424-456c-a212-7996f34c3c5c" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <approvalContext> ... </approvalContext>
        <definition> ... </definition>
        <definition> ... </definition>
            <expectedApproverRef oid="408beff8-c988-4c77-ac5e-ed26697d6982" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <expectedApproverRef oid="4aab211b-5faf-45e2-acaf-a17a89d39fd1" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
    <policyRules> ... </policyRules>

Approvers for the already executed stages and the current stage can be obtained from the embedded case. The approval strategy (allMustApprove/firstDecides) for already executed stages is not relevant. The strategy for current stage should be taken from stage/definition/evaluationStrategy.

See also TestPreview.test120InfoAfterStageOneApproval in workflow-impl tests.

During case approval: the last stage

Let the second stage be completed, e.g. again by approving the work item under administrator user.

The situation is like this:

State Stages

Past (already executed) stages

1, 2

Current stage


Future (anticipated) stages


The data structure is:

<approvalSchemaExecutionInformation ...>
    <caseRef oid="51e565e8-147a-4fad-ba2c-d48bf2a09305" relation="org:default" type="c:CaseType">
        <!-- Assigning role "lab-manager" to user "alice" -->
        <object oid="51e565e8-147a-4fad-ba2c-d48bf2a09305" version="4">
            <event ... xsi:type="c:WorkItemCompletionEventType">
                <initiatorRef oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <event ... xsi:type="c:WorkItemCompletionEventType">
                <initiatorRef oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <workItem id="6">
            <workItem id="7">
            <workItem id="9">
                <assigneeRef oid="408beff8-c988-4c77-ac5e-ed26697d6982" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <workItem id="10">
                <assigneeRef oid="4aab211b-5faf-45e2-acaf-a17a89d39fd1" relation="org:default" type="c:UserType"/>
            <approvalContext> ... </approvalContext>
        <definition id="2"> ... </definition>
        <definition id="3"> ... </definition>
        <definition id="4">
    <policyRules> ... </policyRules>

See also TestPreview.test130InfoAfterStageTwoApproval in workflow-impl tests.


The stage/definition information is somewhat duplicate. It is also present in caseRef/object/approvalContext/approvalSchema. We will deal with this later.

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