Volatile Attributes (Shadow Items) in 4.9.1 and 4.10

Last modified 17 Dec 2024 11:56 +01:00

Volatile attributes are ones that can change on the resource without midPoint initiating (or even knowing about) that particular change.

Typical Cases

There are several typical cases of volatile attributes. (Some of these do overlap.)

  1. Various kinds of default values can be set up on the object creation. The ConnId primary identifier (if different from the secondary identifier) is a typical example. It is harmless, though, as this is the standard behavior, and midPoint is well adapted to treat it in this way.

    Other examples are LDAP uid (determined from the DN), Microsoft Exchange e-mail address, Dummy Resource internalId (used by various tests), and so on. See, e.g., MID-2436.

  2. An attribute may change unexpectedly when it’s modified by midPoint.

    For example, when SMTP:x@y.z is added to the list of Exchange addresses, the former primary e-mail alias (marked by SMTP: prefix) is automatically downgraded to a secondary alias (marked by smtp: prefix). So the equation old + delta = new does not hold here. There is a hidden resource-side processing occurring after the delta is applied.

    A different (rather wild) example is described in MID-3727: eDirectory provides nested groups behavior meaning that a user that is a member of the child group, is automatically a member of the parent one. Assuming a user U is a member of child group CG, it’s automatically a member of its parent PG as well. This complicates things significantly. For example, if there’s a delta of removing the membership of U in CG and adding the membership in PG, the first part of the delta is executed, while the second part is ignored by midPoint, as U is apparently member of PG now. The result of the execution is not as expected, then: after the delta application, U is no longer a member of CG nor PG. Note that this is extra evil, because the membership is not represented as a user attribute at all! It is a simulated association, gathered from the group objects.

  3. There may be dependencies between attributes, e.g., LDAP uid may change if the DN changes.

  4. There may be dependencies between attributes of related objects. For example, let’s assume a role has a projection to an LDAP OU and an LDAP group residing in that OU. When the role is renamed, LDAP OU’s distinguished name is changed. This, however, implicitly changes also the group’s DN. See, e.g., MID-8929.


  • Shadow caching and inbounds: When midPoint does not know about the change, the cached data is incorrect. The problem is more visible when useCachedOrFresh case use strategy is in effect: wrong data is used, e.g., for inbound mappings. This problem is new in midPoint 4.9.

  • Relative inbounds processing: If there is an inbound for a volatile attribute, it may get incorrect data when inbounds are executed on a delta, i.e., not on the absolute state. This is a known problem for years. There are some options to deal with it, see below.

  • Inconsistent shadow identifiers: Dependencies between attributes of related objects can lead to errors when updating shadows using their identifiers, as described, e.g., in MID-8929.

Current Configuration Options

  1. volatilityTrigger property on an attribute.

    When set, then any modification of that attribute (as part of resource object MODIFY operation) triggers the read-modify-read behavior. It means that the object is first fetched from the resource, then the modification is done, and the object is fetched again. These two states (before/after) are used to determine the actual delta, i.e., what was changed during the operation.

    The delta is then used, e.g., for updating the shadow cache, for auditing (TODO: check) and for inbound processing (TODO: check).

  2. volatility property on the object type.

    It can have two non-default values:

    1. unpredictable - this automatically turns on the doReconciliation flag on particular projection context, causing account to be re-read by the context loader in future projection waves. It was designed, e.g., to solve the problem with Exchange SMTP addresses.

    2. explosive - this invokes full focus recompute/reconcile after an operation finishes. This is meant for the hardest situations like the eDirectory nested groups (MID-3727).

  3. dataBinding property on the dependency configuration.

    For example, the configuration below specifies that entitlement/group depends on entitlement/org (see case #4 above). If entitlement/org changes, the entitlement/group has to be reloaded, as there is potentially an induced change directly on the resource.


    This feature was created to address MID-8929.

Proposed Configuration Options in 4.9.1/4.10

Things to improve:

  1. From the point of shadow caching, first two typical cases are not covered adequately. We have no way of telling midPoint that an attribute may be filled-in (or modified) when a resource object is created (case #1). We also have no easy way of telling midPoint that there is a hidden processing connected to the modification of a specified attribute (case #2).

  2. Existing configuration methods were built in incremental fashion, and are quite incoherent. We should unify the ways of configuring attribute volatility.

How to do it?

Even if we are speaking of attributes, there’s no reason why other items, e.g., activation information, could not be volatile. But let’s deal with the attributes only for now.

One option is to view volatility as a (hidden) graph of dependencies between attributes. Like:

  • ri:uid depends on ri:dn (when creating or modifying an account)

  • ri:emailAddresses (Exchange) depends on unspecified attributes (when creating an account), because it is filled-in based on system-specific templates

  • ri:emailAddresses (Exchange) depends on itself (when creating or modifying an account), because it does the SMTP: vs smtp: prefix magic

The first rule can be specified like this:


The second and third like this:


The dependency can be specified on the other side as well:

                <!-- No operation: applies to both ADD and MODIFY -->

Or, this one is the equivalent of the current "volatility trigger" specification:

                <!-- no target specification: applies to everything -->

In the future, the relations may be formulated also at the object level, like this:

    <volatilitySpecification> <!-- the item "volatility" is already taken -->

Open Question: Abstraction Level

At what level of abstraction should we define the dependencies?


  • Simulated features (associations, references) or the "physical" attributes that implement them?

  • Associations or reference attributes?

For now, the limitation will be that the volatile attributes must not deal with any simulated features nor associations. They must be simple attributes that are not translated between abstraction layers.

See Also

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