Correlation: Simple vs "Multi-Identities"

Last modified 23 Aug 2022 16:39 +02:00

The resource object correlation will work in two modes:

Table 1. Modes of resource object correlation
Mode Description Conflict resolution

Single identity

The user has only a single set of identity data. It is stored right in the UserType object in the traditional way: in statically-defined places (givenName, familyName, …​) and in extension (extension/dateOfBirth and so on).

Conflicts in data from multiple resources are not expected.

Multiple identities

User has potentially multiple sets of identity data. The main set contains the data stored in UserType object in the traditional way. But for each identity data source (e.g., for each source resource) we create a separate identity data set.

The engineer defines rules that select the most authoritative identity data from these sets.

The single-identity mode is easy to set up and suitable for simple deployments. The multiple-identities mode requires a special setup, so it is to be used only when really needed.

As far as correlation is concerned, the same mechanism are available in both cases: multiple correlators a.k.a. correlation rules, approximate matching, numerical confidence values, and so on.

Configuring Correlation in Single-Identity Mode


Configuring Correlation in Multiple-Identities Mode

The multiple identities feature is currently set up in an object template.

Identity Item Definition

The basic part of the configuration is the definition of so-called identity item. It is an item (currently, a property) that takes part in the user identity data that is of interest from the point of view of multiple identities - that means, it can differ among the various sources.

In addition to marking an item as being part of the identity data, definitions related to matching (correlation) of this item can be provided. They can be seen as item-local (or item-specific) matching rules.

Sample identity item definition
        <!-- "identity" item means that this property will be a part of "identities" container. -->
            <!-- We may want to define some "local" matching rules for this item. Other ones
                 can be defined globally, e.g., in the system configuration. -->

            <!-- The first (default) rule uses traditional polystring normalization and "equals" matching. -->
                    <currentPolyStringNormalization/> <!-- the default -->
                    <equality/> <!-- the default -->

            <!-- This rule searches for values of levenshtein distance at most 2 from given value,
                 over values normalized using "first-5" recipe below. -->

            <!-- Named normalization recipe. (May be local or global.) -->
            <!-- Stores first five characters of polystring-normalized form. -->
            <!-- They are stored in `givenName.first-5` element of <normalized> container. -->
                <currentPolyStringNormalization/> <!-- the default -->

Correlation Rules (Identity Matching?) Definitions

Again, these are stored in the object template.

Sample focus-scoped correlation definitions
        <!-- The following definitions are applicable to any items in this template -->
            <!-- If a matching with default=true was here, it would be used to all items -->
                <noNormalization/> <!-- just to show this option -->
        <!-- This defines the rules for correlation -->

TODO finish this

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